A Russian Dream

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Uh oh. Title time. Title yes? What will be happening here?

That's right.

No guesses? Okay.


"So, you may not be the real one. But I still...I'm still scared to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

Soviet looked down at the snow, feeling embarrassed. Britain giggled and rested his head against the man's shoulder. They both smiled at one another.

"You can't tell me though. You wouldn't have a reaction because I haven't asked you in real time yet."

"Do you miss me? Is that what it is?"

"I...i guess. You were always there with me whenever I wanted you. But now you've...disappeared like you abandoned me."

The island sat up, staring at him with an upset look. Soviet widened his eye in the realisation of what he had said.


"This isn't real. You're not real. You aren't anything."

"How would you feel if the real Britain was here?"



"Seems like jealousy to me."

"If I was jealous I would have forced that man to stay away from him."

"Now he's taken the only thing you have loved. So...what would you do?"

"He's taken him?"

"Not like he's coming back anytime soon."

USSR lied back onto the cold ground and sighed, closing his eye, wishing to wake up.


"Go away."

"How are you going to find him now?"

"I'll kill him."

"Will I be happy?"

"...you're not him."


"S-Soviet? Are you in here?"


Prussia quietly walked into the bedroom. He stared at the half asleep Union.

"I'll...talk to you later then."


"Still not here."


The Avian sighed and walked back out, closing the door behind him. It was a long time until another knock came. The large union was sort of awake by now, waking up slowly.

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