Seeing Clouded Sheep

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Third laughed around with Schäfer, both happily skipping around the fields. They were both frolicking around the grass right beside Italy's house. Having fun as always.

He loved the fact he could see Schäfer again. Even if they were both dead.

All the boy wanted to do now was to go back towards the country world and find his son. But not before seeing how his father was doing.

Did he even know about his suicide? Maybe not.

He did feel really sorry for making Soviet hold the gun whilst he shot himself. But the boy just couldn't do it on his own. It was hard. Basically impossible if he didn't have such a good friend.

Yes, Nazi may have scarred Sov for life. Did that matter though?

He was free thanks to his help in holding the weapon.

Schäfer stared over to the home, remembering everything he did there along with his country friend.

"Alright zen. Ve say bye to Father zen ve leave to meet Deutschland! He iz...mein child..."

The sheep trotted over to the building with confidence, allowing Third to follow.


Prussia hugged himself, crying in the corner of the bedroom that was once his.

Ottoman was long gone, he had went back to the west, finding Austria-Hungary's house. He didn't want to be beside the flower markings anymore.

Everyone was going to be happy. Everyone was going to celebrate. Even Otto said it before his death.

Oh why couldn't he be so much better in a good way? Prussia knew what bad he had done, yet he still went with it. Like it was normal.

All he wanted was power.

Every country wanted power. Every country would kill for power. So why did he deserve this if everyone had done the same thing? Was it the war? Oh dammit, he fucked up and there was nothing he could do. He was too late.

Now everyone would know him as the worst guy ever. That wasn't a good achievement towards him.

Prussia lifted his head up, looking out of the room entrance. Something or someone stood in the way.


He didn't bother to reply, he didn't want to speak to anyone. Dead or alive. He wanted to be alone.



Nazi thought for a minute, believing that his brother was still alive and unable to see or hear him. But if he was alive then who's flowers did he find in the kitchen?

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