A Painful Death

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The two looked around the platforms with fear, humans everywhere. How where they going to get past without being caught? Well, they were trying to decide.

"What about we just make a run for it?"

"Hey, you seen this train? We're in America!"


"Huh? What?"

"How are we going to get past these people?"

"Oh. Just walk right through. Noone will even care."

"But...you have guns on you. Wouldn't they be scared?"

"Bitch. This is fucking America. My hometown. If anything, they'll love me. And they'll hate you. For being a commie."

Russia crossed his arms and Ame smiled cheekily at him. The slav peered over to the busy crowds and sighed.

"Can we just go?"

"Right. Yeah."


Third Reich giggled as the crow was placed onto his shoulder, looking up at her then at his brother. Prussia smiled at his friend.

"She's nice..."

"Yeah, she's my best friend..."

The Avian immediately regretted saying that, holding his breath.

"Itz okay. Ve are over it."

"Awh. This bond is so cute."

They both stared at Holy who was sat opposite them. Nazi was still confused why he was even there, but Pruss was confused about Schutzstaffel as well.

"Vhy iz he here-?"

"Oh. He's my new Dad I think."

"But ve haz a father?"

"I've been adopted now."

The boy mouthed a small 'Oh' and glanced over to SS. He was playing around with his gun which wasn't concerning for any of the Germans actually, they were used to it.

"Who's that?"

The Avian asked his brother. Was he his brother anymore? He had no idea.

"I'm nothing of your concern Mr.Prussia, just keep on doing your own life and don't vorry about me."

SS still focused on his weapon, not looking at anyone else. Prussia tilted his head. He really didn't know this guy at all.

"Zats mein bodyguard really...he actz zike it. Ja, zu didn't knowz hiz. Zike an imaginary frienzer."

"You had a bodyguard?"

"Ja. But he'z zike ze miniboss. I'm ze real Boss."

"That's a lie."

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