The Psychopathic Soldier

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Fricking hell I accidentally published this earlyyyyyy. I'm not proud of myself. Sorry for that.


As sad as it seems.

We're catching up. Have fun whilst it lasts...


America looked around himself. What happened. Why was this place covered in flowers? Different types. Different shapes. Different colours.

Reichtangle had missed out. Although, this wasn't surprising to him. He already knew something bad was going to happen.

They both stood in silence, staring around the parade of markings.

Who did this?


Britain winced at the pain.

It was just a gentle tap, but still, it hurt.

He wasn't shocked at all to find out that Schutzstaffel turned out to be a complete Villain.

In fact, he was proud. Proud of himself for knowing the danger right away! If only everyone else was on his side.

Germans can't be trusted. No matter what.

Soviet tried to clean the wound again, only for the Brit to jolt his arm back from him. He huffed and tried another time. The island doing the same thing.

"Listen Britain, I can't do this without you moving!"

"Well maybe if you hadn't decided to jump on me, I would be in a far better mood."

"I don't want to deal with your attitude right now. Give me your hand."

"No, I don't think I will."


"No. You have no idea how many times you didn't listen to me! So why should I listen to you?"


Sov was getting very irritated with the man. This wasn't a great situation for him to deal with at the moment. He would have also expected the empires to be back soon which would be an even worsening headache for him.

All he wanted right now was for the Robin to listen to him instead of ranting on about their own problems. Simple as that!

"After all, I was right wasn't I? But no no, you kept on telling me that he wasn't a bad person. You believed that man. No shame though since you are just the New Guy-"


USSR grabbed Jack's arm and yanked him forward, tightening his grib on him out of pure annoyance.

This left the country with alot of pain since he did not just have a fresh wound, from Luftwaffe earlier, being pulled on - but a really bad injury that was beginning to heal just above it, the one from Prussia...seems like the deep cut had opened up again.

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