Two Crying Men

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USSR turned around. It wasn't the person he wanted to see at all.

Third Reich stood behind him. He looked like he was crying?

The day had turned to night. Stars covered the sky and the moon hid behind the grey clouds. The breeze as violent as ever. As cold as ever. It was a deafening silence. Even the voices in USSR's head suddenly stopped.

The German had his arms around himself. He sniffed. Yeah, he was crying.

"You alright?"

Soviet asked. He sounded sorry for the boy, and he truly was.

"Ja. I am. Juzt looking vor you. And suprize! I did..."

Reich joked. They wasn't very good at lying.

This pained the Communist. The German was happy and excited when they first met. They seemed to be best friends already. But seeing him sad was awful. Not to mention it reminded him of his son, Russia. The last time he saw the kid, his face covered in tears. Crying, not wanted to be separated from his father.

Nazi smiled. It wasn't a convincing one though.

"Do you want to talk about it?"
USSR asked, ignoring what Nazi had said.

The boy looked down. This wasn't a question he was asked before and so he didn't know how to answer.

"We can talk about it here if you want? No one's around..."

Soviet's voice was friendly. He sounded trustworthy. The Nazi nodded. They both sat down on the grass, finding a more comfortable position. Third sighed and looked up at the sky.

"So. Explain the tears?"

"Ha...Prussia vasn't to happy vith me."

He wiped one of his tears.

"And ven zey saw you leave, zey decided to blame me. I'm uzed to itz. But it vas vorse becauze zey were all zere."

"Who were they all?"

"Vell. You haz Italy, Japan, Brother Prussia, Father, Zat blindz guy waz Austria-Hungary... An-"

"Wait wait wait - sorry for interrupting but You said many names that I knew in the Country World. Italy?"

"Ja. I think he haz a kid namez Italy who lives in Zat vorld. Like Japan and Ich. He has the nickname ' Fascist '. "

"Ah. And Austria plus Hungary?"

"Nein. Austria-Hungary. One vord."

"We have an Austria and a Hungary."

"I think zey replaced hiz with zem. Two separate countriez."

"Hm...They seem to get rid of countries they can replace?"

Third sniffed again. He hugged onto his knees, looking down at the grass.

"How successful vas Germany?"

That's right... Third still had his own kid back at home. Soviet recalled the conversation. They never got to finish it fully since Britain had caused a massive scene.
Germany was one of USSR's friends. Even if Soviet was quite bossy with him before. They met again after a few years when Russia made besties him at school. The guy was still young yet he knew alot. Many would call the German a workaholic. America had a long chat about how his glasses gave him nerd powers one meeting. Canada trying not to die of laughter all the way through.
Germany always acted serious around everyone else but whenever he was alone he'd either be working or dancing with Rita and Rolli.
Soviet knew this because he walked in on him vibing with one of the songs on. Great memories.

"I Uhhh...Very successful actually. One of the smartest guys I know."
He said confidently. Because it was true. Germany was a father, a very successful one with his son being right at the top with UN. EU we're talking about.

Wait. Third Reich is a Grandpa? WhAt.

"He izn't... Doez he vant to killz people?"

"No. I don't believe."

Reich gave a sigh of relief. He was happy to hear about his son. The boy started to cry even more, lost memories coming back to him.
Soviet put his hand on the Germans back to comfort him.

"Thank you mein friend..."

The Russian smiled. He didn't know if they were tears of happiness or sadness. Either way the Nazi looked grateful for what Soviet had said to him. It was just a couple of sentences but the boy looked happier. It was only a matter of seconds until the guy was bursting out into happy tears. To know that his kid, someone he hadn't seen in years, was happy and safe.
Third covered his face in his hands. Laughing at how stupid he would've looked towards everyone else. But Soviet didn't see him as stupid, he saw it as the boy's true care for his family. For the people he missed.

The large Union started to tear up too with the thought of his children. Would they be successful? Would they be happy? Without Soviet knowing if he'll ever see or hear from them again it was impossible to know. He choked on his tears. A horrible father. Why didn't he think. Why didn't he listen to the Screams? The pleads for him to stop.

Power. It can do many things to a country.

USSR's breathing became shaky as he let the tears roll down his cheek. Even his broken and blind eye beneath the eyepatch. He pulled his hand away from the crying German's back and hugged his knees.

Two men crying in a field at night. Over their lost children. So Wholesome if you think about it. The fact they actually care about them so dearly.

The Russian wanted it to stop. The liquid coming down from his eyes but the more he thought about it the more he cried. He tried to punch himself for not being the Manly and Tough Union everyone saw him as, and wanted to be. Scott, this was so childish.

(Scott = God because I like Scott Better)

The German laughed again.

"W-why... Arez you C-crying?"

"I don't kn-know..."

They both laughed at each other.

The two were getting along so well. Best friends? Yeah. If you can cry with someone else without them judging you, and just laughing at both each others stupidity. Then you can call it a best friendship.

Two pretty best friends, crying in a field.
What a beautiful way to spend your second night in another world.


"1036 words. Sorry for the short chapter. But I just wanted to write something with Nazi and Soviet. The next chapter may be interesting...,,

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