We Can't Go

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Sorry. Another chapter. Early. That's all. And plus, I don't know how many words I put here but it is probably 2496 last time I checked. I don't know. Have fun.


Soviet refused to get up. Britain was now arguing with him. Both Unions shouting at each other. One on the grass. And one standing over them.

CSA watched this, and started to think to himself.
Well. If they do ever get together their couple fights are gonna go down in history.
What can I say? Confederacy shipped them. Two Unions. Two very childish and scary Unions. He could fangirl over the thought of them hugging, let alone kissing.

He may have been racist and evil.
But he still acted like your normal, stereotypical, American teenage girl sometimes.
So sassy.

Our Boy Confederacy Is With Us On This One.

Japan finally made an appearance. The Asian had left to see if the Europeans had followed them. But good news, they were completely lost.

The Neko stared at the two countries fighting. He was out of breath from running. I don't know why, Japan just liked to run instead of walk. It got him exhausted most of the time which Britain didn't like. Brit said to Japan to conserve his energy for a real situation, not for the sake of it. But Japan never listened.

Jack had an idea, it would be very stupid and dumb to make a large country very angry, but he went with it anyways.

The man grabbed Soviet's beloved hat.



USSR huffed. He lifted himself up with a bit of struggle since he was out of energy. Its like the feeling you get when you're sick and cant do anything, only lay back and sleep for two days straight.

Britain's eyes widened, now noticing how scary it was to see the Union towering over him.

His muscular features

Looked like he could crush you in just a second with those massive hands

It was quite intimidating for the Brit. And he was never intimidated much, only when he came across a cow he felt this way.


The Union said coldly, the fact his breath condensed in the Autumn air right then made it even more petrifying for the little man.

"You stood up."

Britain tightened his grip on the hat. Trying not to not sound scared.


Japan shouted, finally catching his breath.

"Yeah! Quit all the sexual tension!"

Everyone looked over to CSA. Their eyes wide.
The American smiled awkwardly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Britain asked.

"I'm sorry! My mind spe-"

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