A Weird Dream

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Another day had passed. How fast had Confederacy's death been moved on? It's only been two days of course.



Britain giggled as Soviet began to play around with his hair, holding him close. Not wanting to lose him again.

It didn't take long for the little island to get a bit moody. Moving away from the commie with a serious expression on his face.

"You have got to stop this nonsense."


"This war. Everything. Everyone isn't going to make it out Soviet. You already know the amount of blood you'll see."

"I won't let that happen. They'll be safe, trust me-"

Sov went back to giving him affection, only to be pushed away again. Seems like Brit was back to being stubborn once more.


"Stop what?"

"Stop everything. The war, the love, the...just everything! I want you to stop."


"Fix this problem you caused. Stop the war. That's all I want. That's all I need from you Soviet, can't you listen to me for once?"

Jack stared up at him with guilt in his eyes, making the man feel sorry for him as well.

"I can't stop that."

"You can. You just don't want to...do you?"

"He hurt you!"

"And now you're hurting me as well by not listening! Don't you care for me too? Don't you want to see me happy?"

"Britain I...i can't stop it all at once!"

"Do it for me. I don't care how long, get it done before it's time."

Jack gently stroked the side of Soviet's face and sighed.

"Please. For me?"





Shit, another weird dream. Even weirder than his last one which made so much more sense. This one made none. Well, it did. He couldn't tell if it was really true or not.

Mongol stood over him, arms crossed. Schutzstaffel was also beside her.

"You overslept."

"Oh...ha. Sorry then."

"Come on, we need you. We got the perfect idea!"

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