Making Preperations

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Ali walked into the Athena cabin to find maps and books strewn all over the floor. Malcolm and his siblings were marking weak spots around the camp and possible points of attack by the Romans.

"How are we fairing?" Ali asked from the door, making everyone jump.

Malcolm wove through the mess to get to her. "I think we've got a solid plan to defend all the weakest points around the perimeter. We have plenty of triremes to patrol the Long Island Sound. What we don't have is air support."

Ali crossed her arms and nodded. "The Pegasi won't be much threat against the giant eagles. Hopefully, the Hephaestus kids will have time to build at least one ballista before the Romans get here in full force."

Malcolm nodded. "We'll keep brainstorming. I think we've reached the limits of our defensive strategies, but it wouldn't hurt to have a few offensive lines ready just in case."

Ali signaled her agreement and walked out of the cabin.
                                     *   *   *
Sparks flew and the sound of pounding hammers was almost deafening in the workshop.

Jake Mason walked out to meet Ali outside of the fiery building.

"How's the progress?" Ali nodded towards the workshop.

Jake wiped the sweat from his brow. "We have almost the entire armory done. We should finish up by the end of the day. I started a few of the kids on making more weapons. Once more of us are free we'll start on the ballista."

"Good," Ali eyed the Hephaestus kids pounding away at celestial bronze inside the workshop. "You've done great. I'm sure we'll be well equipped."

Jake smiled.

"I'd better check on the other groups." Ali glanced at the rest of the camp. "Don't over work 'em."

Jake gave a curt nod and darted back into the workshop.

As she turned to leave, Thomas came running out of the flaming room. "Hey!"

"Hey." She smiled at the metal-legged son of Hephaestus. "How are you?"

"Pretty good." he bent his metal leg, which gave a subtle creak. "Except this squeaky joint is driving me nuts."

Ali chuckled. "And... how about you and Aubrey?"

Thomas' cheeks blushed a dark red. "How'd you hear about that?"

She shrugged. "Haven't you figured it out by now. I know everything that goes on around here, even when I'm not around. So..."

He sighed in defeat. "Okay. Okay. We're doing good."

She raised an eyebrow. "Just good?"

Thomas blushed harder. "Well, what do you want me to say? We're on the verge of war, why are you even worried about this?"

She crossed her arms. "Because I care about my friends." She rolled her eyes when he didn't answer. "Fine. I'll let it go for now, but you will tell me all about it when this is over."

His cheeks went cherry red and he grinned awkwardly. "You got it, boss."
                                     *   *   *
Ali watched Clarisse as the daughter of Ares showed a group of campers how to properly wield a blade. Ali's old rival had been surprisingly cooperative. She was probably just eager for a fight and, as always, was determined to win. That competitive nature would finally prove helpful.

Ali didn't stay long. Despite Clarisse's front, she was not happy about Ali giving orders. Once she'd seen that things were going fairly well, Ali walked to the infirmary, where the Apollo kids were taking inventory. She wove through the chaos to where Will and Aubrey were packing ambrosia and nectar into satchels.

"What's the count so far?" She stopped in front of their makeshift table of crates.

"Pretty good." Will stuffed another bundle of supplies into a bag.

"Yeah." Aubrey packed up another satchel and set it aside. "We've had surprisingly few injuries this year."

Ali examined the stacks of supply bags. "Well, get ready for this place to be packed full. The Romans aren't people to be trifled with."

They nodded and went back to packing.

As Ali left the infirmary, an all too familiar voice stopped her. "Look who's back."

Ali groaned and turned to face Kane West.

"Haven't seen you since Manhattan." His lips twisted into a smug grin.

Ali pressed her lips into a thin line. "Not long enough in my opinion."

He looked her up and down. "When I heard the rumors, I wasn't sure they were true. Then all this chaos started and... here you are." He crossed his arms. "What trouble did you bring back with you this time?"

Ali took a deep breath to keep herself calm. "Oh, you know, an angry legion of Romans, threat of a civil war, end of the world stuff." She crossed her arms. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have a camp to defend."

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