Terror's Maw

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Ali stared at the massive Frankenstein monster, towering before them.

Epialtes snarled, flames licking out around the corners of his mouth. Saliva dripped from his mouth and splashed on the barren ground sizzling against the dirt.

Ali watched a thin tongue of smoke rise from the wet spot. Her grip tightened on her sword. "Great... he's venomous."

He arched his neck, a deep growl echoing from his reptilian throat, as he displayed the flames burning in the back of his fanged maw.

Ali could only stare at it, the crimson embers glowing like the fields of punishment.

"Look out!" Tyler tackled her to the ground as a massive paw stomped the barren earth where they'd been standing. He crouched over her, his free hand pressed against the ashen ground beside her head. He glanced back over his shoulder at Epialtes. "How do we beat that thing?"

Ali gazed over Tyler's shoulder at the huge beast. "The same way we've handled everything else on this quest - together." Her eyes flashed with silver flames and she stood, forcing Tyler to do the same.

He took a deep breath and golden fire ignited in his eyes and down his sword. "Ready when you are."

They charged forward, ducking Epialtes' long muscular tail and sliding under his belly.

Tyler slashed his searing blade at the monster's stomach as they skidded along the ground, but the blade glanced off the hard scales of Epialtes' belly.

The nightmare spirit released an annoyed roar and began stomping his feet chaotically, attempting to squish his adversaries.

Ali raised her sword as his foot cane down on them, stabbing the vulnerable pad of his hind paw.

Epialtes roared again, flinching with each step. Wheeling his head around, the spirit opened his mouth and let loose fire from his gaping maw.

"Down!!" Ali dragged Tyler down below the spurt of fire, barely sparing him from the painful death.

Smoke rose from Tyler's singed hair. "That was way too close."

Ali stared at Epialtes' feet, muscles churning beneath their golden fur. "Agreed. But at least we know he's not invincible. We can hurt him."

They jumped up as soon as Epialtes ceased fire. Swords at the ready, they didn't give him a chance to recover before they plunged back in, hacking at the thick pelt covering his legs.

Epialtes reared up, contorting his reptilian body until he was leering down at the half-bloods, venomous saliva dripping around them. He lurched down and snapped his jaws shut.

Ali jerked Tyler out of the way, spun, and jabbed at Epialtes' big goat eye with her flaming sword.

Epialtes flinched aside, but cut himself on the burning blade. Screeching, he reared his head, shooting a jet of flames into the dark sky.

As if responding to his pain and anger, red lightening erupted across the sky. Crimson bolts arced through the clouds and shot straight down, blasting craters in the ground.

"Look out!" Ali released Tyler's hand and shoved him aside as a trail of lightening shot towards them.

The bolt collided with the ground next to Ali and blasted her aside. She rolled a good ten feet across the rough ground, landing on her back, smoke rising from her singed clothes.

Tyler pushed himself to his feet, a rush of static buzzing through his body. His blurred vision finally focused on Ali's unconscious form smoking on the ground several yards to his left. She looked dead with the soot staining her face and the cuts from the rocky ground scattered across her body.

Epialtes growled angrily, one eye cut and burned shut. Gooey yellow pus seeped from the half-cauterized wound. He eyed Ali's limp form, flames licking around the corners of his mouth.

Tyler sheathed his sword and drew his bow, aiming his arrow at the monster's good eye. Ghostly golden flames ignited along the shaft of his arrow, fueled by his anger and fear of losing Ali. His eyes felt hot as he glared at the beastly for of Epialtes. "Don't touch her!"

Epialtes whirled on Tyler, his snarl revealing his long fangs and contorting his wounded eye. He took a step towards the son of Apollo, his tail swishing like a snake. A flash of red lightening cast eerie shadows across his face and a roll of thunder shook the ground. Epialtes unfurled his four black wings to make himself look bigger and more threatening. Flames curled out of his mouth as he roared at Tyler.

Tyler took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. The more afraid he was, the more powerful Epialtes became. He raised his bow, aiming the arrows at the beast's eye, and released.

The flaming arrow flew true, but Epialtes was prepared this time. He jerked his head and the arrow missed, slicing across the top of his snout. The damage was minimal, but the smallest trail of blood dripped from the wound.

The spirit of nightmares leveled Tyler with a death glare, bloodlust burning in his eyes. The flames in his mouth blazed hotter and brighter and wilder.

Someone tackled Tyler from the side. They rolled out of the way as Epialtes' flaming mouth smashed into the ground where he'd been standing.

Tyler looked to find Ali, clutching her stomach as she pushed herself to her feet her clothes still smoldering.

She faced Epialtes, her silver flaming sword in hand. "There's only one place we can do any real damage." She stared at the beast's head as he jerked it free of the ground, tearing an ugly wound in the ashen earth.

Tyler followed her gaze and groaned. "Of course, because this couldn't be easy."

Ali walked over and grabbed his free hand. "Where would be the fun in that?"

Tyler tightened his grip on her hand. "It was nice knowin' ya."

Ali smirked at him and gave his hand a squeeze. "Don't be such a pessimist."

Tyler watched as Epialtes turned back on them. "Pretty hard to be optimistic in this situation."

Ali gazed at the flames burning in the back of Epialtes' throat. "Just don't get the timing wrong."

Tyler scoffed. "Yeah. No pressure."

Epialtes arched his neck, glaring at the half-bloods with his one good eye.

"Three." Ali readied her blade.

"Two." Tyler did the same.

Epialtes head lurched forward.

"One." Ali shouted as the lion-snake's jaws snapped closed around them.

Yay! Chapter 30! Finally!!!
Sorry it took me so long, I had little to no motivation to write this week.
But... on the plus side. I drew Epialtes in Frankenstein monster form!!!!!!!! The scales aren't the best, but it gets the idea across.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed. 😁


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