Voices in the Dark

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Ali tried to ignore the voices and images swirling around them. She didn't know what they were and she was sure she didn't want to. Her body had finally acclimated to the cold, but she still shivered with each step.

Tyler held her close for warmth, but also to be sure he still had a hold of her. Something in the valley wanted to pull them apart, to separate them. They were weaker on their own. Perhaps together, they posed a threat. That's why Epialtes was trying to tear them apart.

Ali tightened her grip around Tyler's hand. She couldn't let that happen. Together they stood a chance. Together they could survive and... maybe even win.

A harsh gust of wind tore at her face, blasting ash and sand across her already raw skin. It tossed her stray hairs wildly, obstructing her vision. The voices grew louder and screams echoed out of the darkness.

Unable to take it anymore, Ali looked up. That proved to be the worst mistake of her life.

Instead of the empty ashen field, she saw places from her past sprawled across the landscape like a map - the first real home she and her dad had lived in, the house where he had died protecting her, Camp Half-blood and the woods where Mason had died. All her worst memories came flooding back, replaying in front of her as she remembered. Mason's lightening flashed red as it collided with Annabeth's chest. A roar echoed in the distance.

Ali froze, unable to take another step.

Tyler, who was staring at the ground, kept walking, pulling on her arm. He looked back at her. "Ali?"

She stared at the nightmare scenes before her, her heart racing so fast it threatened to burst. She could hardly breathe, her lungs clenching and her airway closing off.

Tyler grabbed her shoulder with his free hand. "Ali! Don't look at it!! It's not real!!!"

A Chimera crept out of the wreckage of her nightmares, snarling. It glared at her with its yellow eyes, saliva dripping from its fanged jaws.

Tyler looked like he wanted to follow her gaze, like he wanted to know what was scaring her so badly, but he steeled himself and focused entirely on Ali. "Ali, look at me!" He shook her violently. "LOOK AT ME!!!!"

Ali managed to tear her gaze away from the Chimera crouching in the shadows and met Tyler's gaze. A haze of fear seemed to lift from her mind. She stared into his terrified sky blue eyes.

A wave of relief washed over him. "I thought I'd lost you there for a minute." He half-sighed half-laughed. "We have to ignore it. All of it. It's not real."

Familiar voices whispered in her ear, begging for her attention. She wanted to turn to see Mason and her dad again, even if it was to watch them die. Her eyes started to stray.

Tyler placed his freezing hand on her face to stop her. "Don't. You won't like what you see."

She locked eyes with him, tears stinging her eyes. "What I see... is my life - everything I've done, everything I've caused." Her gaze dropped to the ground.

"Hey!" He waited for her to look at him. "None of that is your fault. That's just what he wants you to think."

She held his gaze, her tears leaking down her cheeks.

He pulled his hand away from her face. "We have to keep moving."

Ali clenched her free hand into a fist and tightened her grip on Tyler's hand, nodding.

He returned the gesture and they forged ahead, their eyes glued to the barren ground.
* * *
The voices grew louder as they pressed on into the valley. They vied for the half-bloods' attention, clawing at their ears.

Ali fought desperately to ignore the familiar voices, knowing it would only paralyze her. She risked a quick glance at Tyler.

His head was bowed and his eyes were squeezed shut. His clenched fist quivered at his side. He was muttering unintelligibly under his breath, no doubt reminding himself that none of it was real.

She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, even though she felt the same way. She just had more practice bottling it up.

Someone screamed to their right and Tyler went rigid. He wouldn't move. He barely even breathed. His whole body shook as he fought the urge to look up.

Ali tightened her grip in his hand. "Tyler?"

"No." He mumbled under his breath. "Not that. Anything but that."

The scream sounded again, louder, closer, more distinct. It was girl.

More than anything, Ali wanted to look, but she knew it wouldn't end well.

Tyler squeezed her hand so hard, she thought her fingers might fall off. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to distract himself as he forced himself to take another step.

When he managed that, the terrified voice returned, this time screaming his name. She was a young girl, her voice high and squeaky with fear.

There was a loud cracking sound and she screamed. A frigid gust of wind washed over them, making Tyler shake even harder. The ground at their feet iced over and snowflakes drifted into view.

"Tyler." Ali stepped closer, her foggy breath pluming in front of her face. "Look at me. Your fear is fueling it." She moved in front of him and grabbed his trembling fist in her free hand. "You have to stop. You have to look at me. Tyler!"

Something crashed and Ali looked up before she could stop herself. The Chimera snarled as it inched closer to her terrified dad.

She froze, her breath caught in her throat. She tore her gaze from the scene, but it didn't help. Now, she was staring into the horrified gaze of a girl no older than six. Tears brimmed her deep brown eyes and a knitted hat covered her long auburn hair. "Tyler?" Her trembling voice was barely audible.

Tyler spoke next to her, eyes still clamped shut. "Liv, don't move."

The little girl yelped as the ground cracked beneath her feet. She stared at the cracks forming between ice skates. "I'm scared."

"It's gonna be okay." Tyler struggled against the words. "I promise." His voice cracked.

Suddenly, the ice gave way. The girl screamed as she splashed into the frigid water below.

Ali flinched back and dropped her gaze to Tyler's violently shaking form. "Tyler." She tried, but her voice was weak and hoarse. At a loss of what to do, she pulled him into a tight embrace, hoping the hug would pull him out of his fears.

A menacing laugh echoed out of the darkness, sending chills down Ali's spine.

"You two are resilient," the gravelly voice of Kronos reaches her ears. "But eventually," it shifted to the voice of Luke. "Everyone succumbs to their fear."

Gripping Tyler's shaking hand, Ali turned to face the dark silhouette. "Epialtes."

I'm back!
Weird how I have an entire week to myself and don't get like any writing done. 🙄
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know I enjoyed writing it. 😈

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