Chaos in the Woods

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Ali stared at the woods, scanning the familiar trees in longing.

"I don't think you want to go in there." Grover's voice made her flinch.

She spun with her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Sorry," Grover held out his hands protectively. "Didn't mean to startle you."

Ali relaxed her stance. "I know the nymphs are out of sorts at the moment, but I can handle myself."

"It's still not the best idea to go wandering around in there right now."

She sighed. "Look, Grover. I grew up in those woods. I'm sure as Hades not going to run from them now." She turned on her heel and strode into the trees before Grover could respond.
* * *
Ali felt her chest tighten as she rounded the final bend to find a tree surrounded by broken boards and shattered trunks. Weapons and blankets were scattered across the ground. She stumbled forward through the wreckage, kneeling to pick up a broken bow.

"I'm sorry," a voice sounded from near the base of the tree. "I didn't mean to."

Ali looked up to find Cyprus hugging herself next to a pile of mutilated wood. Her red hair hung in loose ringlets, free of her normal plaits.

"Cyprus?" Ali straightened.

The dryad squeezed herself tighter and looked away. "I don't know what came over me. One minute I was standing in the living room, the next..." she finally looked up, surveying the damage. She met Ali's gaze, her eyes red from crying. "I'm sorry."

"Oh Cyprus." Ali moved to the dryad's side and wrapped her in a hug. "I don't blame you."

Cyprus pulled away. "But I did this."

"No," Ali held. "You didn't."

Cyprus couldn't help but grin. "Well, I did manage to save one thing." She walked over to a locked trunk lying neatly on the ground.

Ali caught her breath. "Is that?"

Cyprus' smile widened. "Why don't you find out?"

Ali grabbed a string around her neck, pulling a key from its place hidden in her shirt. She knelt beside the trunk and maneuvered the key into place. Heart pounding, she turned it. The lock clicked open and she laid it aside, pushing open the lid.

Inside was an array of random objects - a Camp Half-blood t-shirt, a beaded necklace like the ones all the campers wore, a shell, a dress, and a dozen other things.

Ali felt her eyes tear up. She hadn't seen these things in almost two years. All the memories came flooding back with them. She stood and threw her arms around Cyprus again. "Thank you."

Cyprus pulled away. "You'd better go. I don't want anyone around if I go into another one of those fits."

Ali nodded, stealing one last hug before she put her fingers to her lips and gave a shrill whistle.

Within moments, Barron bounded into view. He skidded to a stop and shook his thick fur.

"Hey, Big Guy." Ali stroked his snout. "I need you to carry something for me."

He made a noise like a sigh.

"Don't give me that attitude." She crossed her arms. "When we get back, I'll compensate you."

He breathed a low growl, but clamped his jaw around the wooden trunk. He laid down so Ali could climb onto his back and loped away.
                                      *   *   *
Ali knelt beside the trunk, sorting through the things piled inside.

"I thought you'd be out making your rounds." A voice sounded from the door

Ali turned to find Meg standing in the doorway. She sighed. "I will. I just... need a few minutes."

Meg walked over. "What's that?"

Ali stared at the contents of the trunk. "The only thing that's left of Cabin 13."

Meg sat down beside her sister. "It's gone?"

Ali nodded. "With everything that's going on with the dryads... I kind of expected it."

"Still," Meg examined the strange assortment of objects. "It's where you lived for almost ten years."

"Well, I accepted a long time ago that there are some things you can't change." She met Meg's gaze. "At least I still have something." She reached up and closed the trunk.

Suddenly, Lydia burst through the door, her bow in hand and a cut across her cheek. "Ali! Some of the Roman scouts got a little impatient." She glanced over her shoulder as metal clashed outside. "They broke through the barrier."

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