The Gods of Dreams

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Ali blinked in the sudden brightness of the world around her. When her eyes adjusted, she found herself in a new part of the Dream Realm. She could see the Field of Dreams rippling with color far to her right. The grass was a dull green, forming a patchy blanket over the earthen floor. Tongues of water licked across the landscape, cutting through the ground like veins.

"This is different." She muttered as she studied her surroundings.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." A deep, annoyed voice sounded behind her.

She whirled to find Morpheus and Phantasus standing near the gate watching them.

Tyler gawked at the pair of dream gods. "You're... not cats anymore."

"I see you're both very observant." Morpheus commended them sarcastically.

"That's enough, brother." Phantasus glared at Morpheus before turning to face the two half-bloods. "It's good to see you again, Aliana."

Tyler furrowed his brow. "Your full name is Aliana?"

She shifted uncomfortably. "No one's called me that in a long time."

Morpheus made a gagging noise. "All this friendly concern is sickening. You could at least wait until I don't have to be here."

Ali glared at the god of dreams. "And why, pray tell, do you have to be here?"

His hateful stare deepened, forming a crease on his brow.

Phantasus cleared his throat. "After the Titan war, Morpheus and I didn't exactly make up. As punishment for our, quote on quote, 'childish behavior', our father, Hypnos, bound us together. Wherever I go, he goes." He nodded towards Morpheus. "And vice versa."

The brothers crossed their arms and faced away from one another with a look of disgust and annoyance, displaying their family resemblance.

"Okay," Tyler spoke slowly, as if still processing the information. "but... why show up as cats?"

Both gods of dreams sighed in unison.

"Yet another side to our father's... curse." Phantasus growled. "If we leave the Realm of Dreams..."

"We turn into cats." Morpheus spat.

"Well that's..." Tyler paused, scrambling for the right word. "Interesting."

Ali gave him a sarcastic look. "Nice save." She turned back to Phantasus. "So, where exactly are we."

"It's sort of like the Fields of Asphodel - not bad, but... not particularly good either." Phantasus explained. "A middle ground of sorts."

Morpheus groaned at his brother's analogy. "We're in the marsh at the end of the River of Forgetfulness. It's the only place you can safely cross without losing your memory." He pushed between Ali and Tyler, walking into the swampy expanse. "Now, come on. Let's get this over with."

Tyler shot Ali a concerned look before they followed the brothers into the marsh.

Walking was a chore as the muddy ground sucked at their feet, reminding Ali of Gaea's attack, the ground pulling her into the earth. They wove through the web of trickling streams, the cold water saturating the ground.

Ali tensed as Phantasus splashed through one of the tiny rivers. She froze, her chest tight.

Phantasus glanced back and noticed her. "It's alright. Out here, the water is too diluted to do any real damage. You might forget what you had for breakfast this morning, but that should be the worst of it. Not that I recommend walking through every stream you see."

She took a deep breath and nodded.

Her feet had sunk almost completely in the mud. Tyler helped her jerk them free and they continued after the pair of gods.
                                 *   *   *
Ali stepped over a thin trail of water cutting through the mud. Her foot slid on the squishy earth and she slipped.

Tyler caught her before she splashed into the brisk stream. "You alright?"

She steadied herself, clearing her throat awkwardly as she brushed her loose hair behind her ear. "Yeah. Thanks."

He smiled at her. "Anytime."

"Keep moving." Morpheus complained from up ahead.

Tyler hopped over the water and they started after the impatient god of dreams.

The marsh stretched on for miles and the mud deepened as they wove nearer to the main river.

Ali spotted the palace of Hypnos in the distance. She paused, nudging Tyler. "There it is." She nodded towards the extravagant castle.

"Woah." He stared at the towering structure with elegant brickwork and impressively carved gargoyles.

Morpheus sighed annoyedly. "Our father always was eccentric."

Ali leaned closer so Morpheus wouldn't overhear them. "Just wait 'till you see the dream gates."

Tyler smirked and lowered his voice. "Can't wait."

They trudged after their escorts, hopping streams and sloshing through mud.

Ali was glad to be wearing her heavy duty hiking boots as she stepped directly into a murky puddle. "How much further?"

Morpheus glared over his shoulder, but Phantasus cut him off. "Almost there."

"Good." Tyler jerked his foot out of the mud. "'Cause I think I've officially ruined these shoes."

Ali chuckled. "You sound like a newbie."

He shot her an annoyed look. "Let's just get out of this... muck." He kicked his foot, flicking mud.
* * *
Finally, they stepped onto solid ground. Tyler started dragging his feet through the grass, scraping the mud off his shoes.

Ali had to laugh at him as she wiped her muddy hands on her pants. She turned to Phantasus and Morpheus. "So... what now?"

Morpheus crossed his arms. "You tell us."

Phantasus watched her expectantly. "You are the one who received the prophecy. All we know is that we had to bring you here."

"Right." Ali muttered. "Because it couldn't be simple for once."

My parents are back so I'll have more time to write this week!!! 😆
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

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