Heroes of the Realm

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Ali felt the unbearable heat as Epialtes' jaws clamped down around them. She sensed the resistance as her sword blade plunged into the roof of his mouth. She tightened her grip on Tyler's hand and squeezed her eyes shut.

A pained roar surged through Epialtes' throat and hammered around his closed mouth. He reared his head back, releasing the half-bloods to shriek at the sky. Silver and gold fire spurted for the wounds in the top of his mouth.

The wind picked up, blowing away from Hypnos' palace. The storm retreated, converging on Epialtes, who was quickly shrinking down to human size. He released one last roar that was a cross between every monster in existence and keeled over in a black mass.

The wind tore at his shivering indistinguishable form, ripping pieces of him away and sweeping them into the darkness. Soon, he was nothing but a trembling wisp of shadow no larger than a mouse. Then even that disappeared.

The clouds followed the spirit of nightmares and took the shadows with them.

Suddenly, Ali and Tyler were standing in an open field covered with rainbow-colored grass. A crater remained where Epialtes had attacked the ground, but otherwise there was no sign the nightmare spirit had ever been there. The air was fresh and cool and the warm light of the Dream Realm shone across the valley.

Ali released Tyler's hand and sank into the grass, dropping her sword and letting the silver flames flicker out. She couldn't help but smile as she basked in the lively freshness of her surroundings.

Tyler sat down beside her in complete shock. "We did it. We beat... Nightmares."

Ali leaned back on her elbows and stared at the deceptive sky. "Was there ever any doubt?"

Tyler met her gaze. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

They both chuckled.

"So," Tyler scanned the bright landscape. "What happens now?"

Ali looked at him. "Epialtes returns to his little corner of the Dream Realm and... things go back to normal."

Tyler sighed. "He's not gone?"

Ali shook her head. "We can't destroy him. His existence is tied to the fears of the world. As long as there's fear, he'll endure." She locked eyes with him. "And, incase you haven't noticed, fear is pretty hard to get rid of." She bit her bottom lip and pushed herself to her feet. "Well, we should probably head back, let the gods of dreams know we finished their dirty work." She offered him a hand up. "And get the heck out of here."

He grabbed her outstretched hand. "You read my mind." He let her haul him to his feet.
                                     *   *   *
"Well done." Hypnos clapped his hands once for emphasis, the sound echoing through the room and making the flaming crystals on the wall change color.

Tyler watched the gemstones flash green, orange, pink, then back to light blue. "Thanks."

"We must celebrate." Hypnos snapped his fingers and his bed disappeared, replaced by a long table piled high with food. He raised a goblet of wine over his head as if to make a toast.

"Actually," Ali interrupted. "We were wondering if you could send us home." She met Tyler's gaze. "It's been a long summer and... as much as I love parties thrown by the gods, I could use a break from the crazy Greek stuff."

The god of sleep lowered his chalice and flashed a warm smile. "I understand." He snapped again and the banquet vanished in a puff of clouds. "Where to? Camp Half-blood? Camp Jupiter?" He eyed them curiously. "Both?"

Ali locked eyes with Tyler. "I have to go back to Camp Half-blood. My sisters, my friends - everything I know is there." She sighed. "It's up to you, but... I'd love it if you came with me."

Tyler stared into her eyes his mind obviously at war with itself. "I... I think I wanna come back with you." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "If it ends up not working out, I can always travel cross country back to Camp Jupiter."

"Yeah." Ali pushed some stray hairs behind her ear. "Of course. No big deal."

"So," Hypnos broke the silence. "The consensus is Camp Half-blood?"

Tyler drew a deep breath and finally tore his gaze away from Ali's. "Yes."

The god of sleep smiled and pressed his fingers together as if he was going to snap.

"Wait!" Ali's mind flashed back to the fight with Epialtes. "I have a question."

"Ask away." Hypnos prompted.

"In the Valley of Nightmares," Ali started. "Epialtes called us 'the Chosen.' What does that mean?" She met Hypnos' gaze.

The god of sleep stared at the wall behind them, deep in thought. "So it is true." He muttered.

"What's true?" Tyler drew the gods attention back to them.

"The rumors." He answered vaguely.

"What rumors?" Ali pressed.

The god didn't seem to be focused on anything in particular as he explained. "About ten years ago, a rumor spread through Olympus about a child of Artemis and child of Apollo."

Ali and Tyler looked at each other.

"It was said that these children were born of the opposite sides of the divide. One Greek, one Roman." Hypnos continued. "That, in itself, was not hard to believe. The next bit is where it gets interesting." He met the half-bloods' gazes. "It was said that the Roman child of Apollo was blessed by Artemis; and the child of Artemis was blessed by the Roman Apollo."

"You mean," Ali struggled to organize her thoughts.

"I was blessed by her mom." Tyler concluded.

"And I was blessed by his dad?" She added.

Hypnos nodded. "That is why your powers are so unique. You are born and blessed by both of the twins - moon and sun, night and day." He looked at each of them in turn. "You were chosen to be your parents' most powerful half-blood children. Your destinies have been intertwined since your birth."

Ali took a step back. She needed to catch her breath. "That's..."

"A lot." Tyler finished, looking pale.

"I'm sorry for leaving you with such a heavy load. Do what you will with this information." He raised his hand, fingers poised to snap. "And thank you." He snapped his fingers and the throne room melted away.

Another chapter!!!
I'm actually getting close to the end now. 😕
This has been SO fun to write and I'm glad you all have enjoyed it.
Thank you all SO much for the support.

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