Morpheus... the Cat

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"How do you know?" Annabeth asked, staring at the cat at the end of the dock.

Ali locked eyes with the feline. "He shows up both times I get a prophecy about the Dream Realm and he attacked Percy." She faced the others. "It makes sense, doesn't it?"

"Maybe a little." Percy conceded.

"See." Ali shifted her gaze back to the cat. "I'm not crazy."

"Not entirely." Tyler muttered.

Ali elbowed him in the ribs and stepped closer to the god of dreams.

The black cat tensed as Ali approached, a low growl rumbling in the back of its throat. When she'd almost reached it, the cat bounded to the edge of the beach and sat back down, staring at her. He looked far more regal than any cat should.

Ali's shoulders slumped and she turned to face the others. "Anyone else know what he wants?"

Percy raised his hands. "Don't look at me. You're the one who can talk to animals."

Ali crossed her arms. "I can't talk to animals. They just sort of... understand me."

"Same difference." Percy shrugged.

The cat, Morpheus, hissed behind them. When they looked, he gave Ali and Tyler a knowing look and rushed up the hill. At the top, he stopped and looked back, hissing when he saw them still at the bottom of the hill.

"I think he wants us to follow him." Tyler suggested.

"Maybe." Ali stared at the cat sitting serenely atop the hill, gazing intently at her with his black eyes. "The question is do we trust him enough to follow."

Tyler shrugged. "You met the guy. You'd know better than me."

Ali glared at the feline. "Last time he tried to kill me." She faced the others. "I can't take that chance again."

"But... the prophecy." Annabeth challenged. "What if you're supposed to follow him?"

"Then someone better give me a sign that it's safe." Ali held. "Because we can't trust him."

As if on cue, an orange tabby cat appeared on the crest of the hill with Morpheus. Its fur glittered in the sunlight, shimmering with a rainbow sheen. It's eyes twinkled like two multi-colored stars.

Ali sighed in exasperation. "You've gotta be kidding me."

"What?" Tyler asked, staring at the orange tabby.

Ali met his gaze. "Meet Morpheus' brother - Phantasus." She gestured towards the cats. "Their the ones with the rivalry we have to fix."

Tyler furrowed his brow. "That seems too easy. What about a journey into terror's maw and find where crimson rivers run?"

Ali looked back at the two gods of dreams. "They're cats, Tyler. We still have to follow them."

"Following cats to a place in the Underworld." He heaved a long breath. "Why couldn't my life be normal?"

"Because a normal life is no fun." Ali offered. "Come on. Let's get our stuff."
* * *
"You know," Tyler tromped through the brush behind Ali. "If I wasn't a half-blood, I'd think you were completely bonkers."

Ali smirked as she glanced back at him. "But you are and I'm not."

"Granted." He conceded. "But, you have to admit, this is weird even by demigod standards."

Ali rolled her eyes. "We're trekking through the woods following a pair of gods disguised as cats." She recapped. "Trust me, I'm well aware of the peculiarity of the situation."

"Who uses the word 'peculiarity'?" Tyler cracked another branch as he pushed through the brush.

Ali groaned and turned to face him. "I do. I'm also the kind of person who'll slice people's legs off and leave them to die if they can't walk quietly."

Tyler gulped loud enough for Ali to hear.

A duo of meows called their attention back to their feline escorts. The hair on their backs was bristled with impatience.

"Come on." Ali urged. "Before one of them decides to scratch our faces off."
* * *
The cats reappeared as the golden dust settled around Ali's feet. She looked at the pair of felines annoyedly. "Some help you were."

Morpheus meowed innocently.

Ali rolled her eyes and walked over to help Tyler to his feet. The Hellhound had tackled him to the ground, but he'd managed to put his sword between it and his chest.

"Yeah." He concurred. "Much appreciated."

Phantasus rubbed against Ali's legs apologetically until she rubbed his head between the ears. He purred and strode ahead of them.

Morpheus growled and followed his brother deeper into the forest with the two half-bloods close on their tails.

Ali kept ahead of Tyler, tracking the cats when they strayed out of sight. She had no idea where they were taking them. She'd assumed they would guide them to the Realm of Dreams, but right now they were headed in the wrong direction.

They broke through the next line of bushes to find the cats sitting in the center of a small clearing, staring expectantly at them.

Ali shared a look with Tyler, then they stepped out of the trees together.

"What now?" He asked, scanning the clearing.

She sighed. "I have no idea."

Morpheus and Phantasus stood and press their paws into the earth at the very middle of the clearing. They backed away as the ground rumbled and the earth split, opening a crack across the clearing. A stone staircase led down into the pitch blackness.

Ali and Tyler locked eyes, both a little nervous.

The cats leapt onto the stairs and descended into the shadows.

Tyler took a deep breath, staring down the hole. "Well, ladies first."

Ali rolled her eyes and took a step towards the opening. The air was significantly colder as she moved onto the steps. She looked back at Tyler then steeled herself and disappeared into the shadows.

So... cats.
That's it. That's all I have to say. Is this too weird?
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.

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