Scouting Party

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Ali followed Lydia to where half a dozen Romans were going toe-to-toe with a group of campers. And they were holding their own.

Lyra was dual-wielding hunting knives as she took on a legionnaire in full armor. Kane fired an arrow that barely missed one of the Romans' eyes. The twin boy from the battle of Manhattan, who'd protected Ali from Kronos, faced off against another legionnaire, his shaggy midnight black hair blowing in the soft breeze. His almost black eyes glimmered with determination.

Ali noticed one roman in particular who was causing more trouble than the other legionnaires - a boy around her age with short-cropped blonde hair and fierce blue eyes that flashed like a sword blade in the sunlight. He had a bow slung over his shoulder and an imperial gold sword in his right hand.

Ali narrowed her eyes and drew Mason's celestial bronze sword. Gripping the hilt tightly, she charged into battle. Her blade clashed with the blonde boy's as he swung at one of the campers, who was struggling to recover, scrambling for their sword.

She glared him down. "You just made a huge mistake."

He smirked confidently. "I don't think so, Graecus."

Ali grinned.

"What?" The boy twirled his sword free of the deadlock.

She tightened her grip on her sword and locked eyes with him. "Oh nothing, Stultus."

He lunged forward.

Ali ducked his first swing and elbowed him in the ribs. She spun behind him and straightened. "Now you're just proving my point."

"And you're asking to to die." He twirled his gladius and glared at her. His blade seemed to glow with a golden light.

Ali lunged forward, slashing at the boys face. Their swords clashed.

Ali spun around the boy's blade. "You'd be surprised how often I've heard that."

They crossed blades, pressing their weight on each other and testing each other's strength.

"Somehow I doubt that." He seethed.

Ali pulled away from him, holding her sword at the ready. She felt a tingle under her skin and her eyes felt hot, but she pushed it down. She didn't need the extra push to take care of this kid. She lashed out with her sword, parrying his attacks and jabbing at his gut. He managed to avoid being skewered, which was an accomplishment when fighting Ali.

The campers seemed to rally behind Ali and pushed back the Romans with renewed vigor.  They were fighting better than Ali had ever seen. Either their training was paying off, or their instincts were kicking in. Whatever the reason, Ali was glad to see the legionnaires losing ground.

The boy kept her plenty busy. He was the only one holding strong against the campers' barrage. He had a lot of skill, but he fought like a Roman.

Ali ducked and spun away from his attacks, easily avoiding any injury. Finally, she stepped around him and smacked him over the head with the butt of her sword. He collapsed unconscious to the ground.

Ali eyed the remaining Romans with a fiery glare. One of the legionnaires, who had just sliced a camper across the stomach met her gaze and stumbled back. Ali's blade had ignited with ghostly sliver flames.

She grinned. "Push them back!" She charged forward and joined the others as they forced the Romans out of the camp through the magical barrier.
                                     *   *   *
"Put him in the stables." Ali directed as a pair of campers dragged the unconscious Roman away. "Lydia, Lyra, you two will take the first shift watching him."

Her sisters nodded.

She raised her voice to be heard over the crowd. "No one talks to him before me. I want to know the second he wakes up."

Clarisse stalked over from the direction of the arena. "They're getting bolder." She stopped in front of Ali and glared down the Daughter of Artemis. "We have to retaliate."

"No!" Ali snapped. "We are trying to keep the peace. We only fight if we have to."

Clarisse growled. "It's less than a week until they attack anyway. Why should we wait?"

Ali got in Clarisse's face. "Because WE don't want a war!" Ali rarely lost her cool, but she'd had it with the Daughter of War. "Get it through your thick skull, Clarisse. We will not make the first move."

Clarisse gripped the hilt of her sword with white knuckles as she turned and stalked away.

"That... might come back to bite you in the butt." A familiar voice said behind her.

She turned to find the boy from Manhattan. "Owen... everything comes back to bite me."

"You sure about that?" He indicated the campers wandering away from them. "You managed to convince this entire camp to follow you. How's that supposed to burn you?"

"One word." Ali sighed. "Clarisse."

Owen scoffed. "You say that like she could actually take you." He waited for her to meet his gaze. "Fighting that Roman is the closest thing I've ever seen to you losing a fight."

Ali raised an eyebrow. "Kronos?"

Owen hung his head. "I don't think that counts."

Ali bit her lip. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bring up Oliver."

Owen blinked back his tears. "It's fine. Almost two years. I should be over it, right?"

"Don't talk like that." Ali placed a hand on his shoulder. "I've lost everyone close to me. Believe me when I say, it takes more than a few years."

He nodded. "I... I should help my siblings rebuild the defenses."

"Owen," Ali called after him. "You did good."

He managed a small smile and gave a curt nod before turning away to join the other children of Hecate.

So... the twins have names now AND... their sons of Hecate. 😁 What do you think?
Also, is it weird that I took a throw-away character and turned him into someone I absolutely adore!!! Owen is my sweet bean. 🥺🥺🥺
I may have a problem. 😂

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