Into the Deep

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Their footsteps echoed ominously through the pit as Ali and Tyler descended the spiral staircase. The shadows engulfed their surroundings until it was impossible to see more than a few feet in front of them.

The cats were somewhere up ahead. Leading the way through the darkness.

Ali lagged back until she was walking side-by-side with Tyler. "If they really are taking us to the Realm of Dreams, there's something you should know."

Tyler stared at his feet, making sure he didn't trip. "What?"

Ali fell silent, remembering her last visit to the Dream Realm. "The guardians of the gate. They can... take the form of your greatest fear. It's like a test. If you can overcome your fear, you can enter the gate. If not, it'll kill you."

They walked in silence for a long time. Tyler watched his feet, no doubt considering what he might face when they confronted the guardians. Ali was doing the same. She'd overcome the Chimera, her guilt about her father, but she still had plenty of fears. What would those creatures turn into this time?

As if he'd read her mind, Tyler asked. "What did they turn into? Last time you fought them."

She wouldn't meet his gaze. "One of them turned into the Chimera - the creature the killed my father."

"And... the other?" He prodded.

She took a deep breath. "The other... turned into my dad and blamed me for his death." Her chest shook as she took another breath.

"I'm sorry." Tyler finally spoke, his voice weak. "So..." he cleared his throat. "What happens once we're inside the gate?"

Ali flashed him a smile, grateful for the change in subject. "Then we cross the Field of Dreams, probably the most beautiful place you'll ever see, somehow get over the river of forgetfulness and... we're there."

"River of Forgetfulness?" He asked.

"Did I fail to mention that I completely lost my memory last time?"

"Yeah." He glanced ahead where the cats were still shrouded by the shadows. "How are we supposed to fulfill our quest and end their rivalry if we can't even remember who we are?"

"Don't worry. We'll figure it out." She faced forward. "I hope."

"Well, someone sounds confident." He said sarcastically.

"Give me a break." She elbowed him in the side. "It's not like the cats gave me much time to plan."

Tyler shuddered. "That will never not be weird."

Morpheus hissed at them from up ahead.

"I don't think he likes me." Tyler noted.

Ali chuckled. "Welcome to the club."

They walked on in silence, the sound of their footsteps filling the space.

"Stupid question:" Tyler spoke up. "If Morpheus is the god of dreams, what does that make his brother?"

Ali chuckled. "Gods, he's arrogant. Morpheus is a god of dreams. Technically, there are three of them."


"Yep," she stepped over a broken stair. "Morpheus, Phantasus, and Phobetor."

He just looked at her in confusion.

"Morpheus was deemed a messenger for the gods. He sends prophetic dreams. Phantasus is usually equated with the regular dreams you have every night - the ones you normally don't remember. Phobetor lords over the strange and bizarre dreams that we often remember in great detail when we wake up."

"So..." Tyler recapped. "Prophetic dreams, forgettable dreams, and... fever dreams?"

Ali couldn't help but laugh. "Basically, yeah."

Tyler's smile fell. "What about nightmares?"

She stopped dead in her tracks. "That would be Epialtes. He's a spirit, not a god. Many have called him a demon." She got a distant look in her eyes as she remembered her run-ins with the evil being in her dreams. "Trust me," She forced herself to meet his gaze. "that's one monster you don't want to meet."

The cats were meowing up ahead.

"Sounds like we're at the end of the line." His voice was barely audible, but it echoed through the pit. End of the line. "Well," he cleared his throat awkwardly. "That wasn't ominous at all."

"Let's go before the cats leave us behind." Ali grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs after their feline escorts.

They stopped at the bottom of the staircase, which opened up into a small cavern. Light shone from small wrought iron gate at the back of the chamber. Ali couldn't see much through the bars, but she knew it was the Realm of Dreams. The cats sat before the rather dingy looking gate and stared at the half-bloods.

Suddenly, something growled in the darkness. A dark silhouette moved and stepped out of the shadows. Griffins appeared on either side of the gate.

Tyler stepped closer to her. "I thought you said it was guarded by creatures who could become your worst fear."

Ali's chest tightened as she reached for her sword, gripping the hilt with a shaking hand. She stared at the encroaching monsters, their hissing growl filling her ears. "Wrong gate."

It's kind of a filler, but... so fun to write.
I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for the support. We've hit 400 reads! 🥰

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