The Edge of Night

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Ali sat on the front porch of Cabin 8, watching the sky turn orange and blue as the sun rose. One more day. Why did they always cut things so close. She glanced out across the Long Island Sound. "Anytime now Reyna."

Aubrey walked over from the Apollo cabin and sat on the steps beside Ali. "Someone's up early."

Aubrey shrugged. "I rise with the sun. Is that so hard to believe?"

Ali chuckled. "I guess not." Her gaze settled on Cabin 7. "How are things going with Tyler in your cabin?"

Aubrey sucked in a sharp breath. "Could be better." She met Ali's concerned gaze. "Could also be worse though. I mean, he's still alive... so far."

Ali pulled her gaze back to Aubrey. "You think I made a mistake letting him go."

Aubrey sighed. "I just don't know if we can trust him." She interrupted before Ali could say anything. "I know he says he was just following orders because he didn't know what else to do, but... isn't there a chance he's lying?"

Ali met Aubrey's gaze. "There's always a chance. That's where trust comes in." She sighed. "I'm sorry I dumped him on you. I know I'm asking a lot, but I believe him... and, if I brought him into my mother's cabin, she would smite him."

Aubrey laughed. "I have to admit. I kind of love your mom."

Ali scoffed. "Wanna trade?"

"Mothers?" Aubrey shuddered. "Do you have any idea how wrong that is?"

Ali shrugged. "It's the gods. They've done worse."

"Yeah," Aubrey agreed. "I'd rather not think about it."

Ali laughed and Aubrey couldn't help but join in.
                                    *   *   *
Ali noticed Tyler sitting by himself at breakfast at an unmarked table. Her unmarked table. She looked at Meg, who simply nodded her approval.

Ali stood, grabbed her plate, and walked over. She stopped next to the table. "Mind if I sit by you?"

He flinched and looked back at her. "Ali. Of course not." He scooted over to give her more room.

She smiled and took a seat next to the Roman son of Apollo. "So, how's Greek life treating you?"

"Well," he stirred his scrambled eggs with his fork. "Despite being public enemy number one... fine."

Ali stabbed her sausage with her fork. "Yeah, sorry about that." She surveyed the crowd of campers eating at the picnic tables. "They're good kids, but... they're not great with people who are... different."

"Talking from experience again?" He met her gaze.

She dropped her eyes to her food as she nodded. "It's not exactly common for an unclaimed half-blood to live at camp. It's even less common to be claimed as a daughter of Artemis."

"There are four of you." He challenged.

"Well," Ali tore her sausage in half. "Lydia and Lyra aren't what they seem. They were actually born before Artemis took her oath of virginity. Sometimes we wonder if they were partial the reason she made it in the first place."

"Wait." Tyler dropped his fork and looked back at the twin daughters of Artemis. "That means... but... how?"

Ali chuckled. "It's a bit of a long story."

Tyler tore his gaze away from the Artemis table. "Okay... I think my brain's officially broken now."

Ali laughed. "Trust me, you've only scratched the surface."
                                    *   *   *
Ali and Tyler watched the campers as they practiced archery. Lydia schooled them on how to properly shoot a bow. Many of them, not being children of Apollo, weren't doing well.

Lydia walked over, exasperated. "Well, they'll do fine, if they somehow miraculously learn to aim." She eyed one of the kids annoyedly.

"Don't worry." Ali assured her sister. "We'll keep the archers confined to the Apollo kids unless absolutely necessary."

"Thank the gods." Lydia muttered under her breath as she returned to the struggling campers.

Ali turned to leave. "Speaking of children of Apollo... can I count on you to help Lydia lead the archers?"

Tyler blanched. "You want me to fight?"

"Of course." Ali faced him. "We're gonna need all the help we can get. Besides," she started walking again. "I trust you."

Tyler paused in surprise then jogged to catch up with her. "Really?"

Ali smirked and glanced at him as they walked. "Why are you so surprised? I let you out of your cage."

He rolled his eyes. "It was hardly a cage. I could've gotten out on my own."

She chuckled. "Riiiight."

Clarisse stalked across the lawn towards them.

Ali sighed. "Here we go again."

"Breck!" The Daughter of Ares glared at Ali with murder in her eyes.

Ali steeled herself and faced the war-mongering half-blood. "What is it Clarisse?"

She clenched her fist around the hilt of her sword. "It's the last day and there's no sign of your precious statue." She spat. "What now, your majesty?" She poured all her anger into the title.

Ali leveled Clarisse with a stern gaze. "Reyna's deadline isn't up yet." She tried to walk away, but the daughter of Ares grabbed her arm.

"That's it?!" Clarisse gripped Ali's wrist tightly. "Just sit and wait? That hasn't helped us so far. There's no time left. We need a plan." She tightened her hold on Ali. "If we act now, we can still catch them by surprise."

Ali took a deep breath and turned back on Clarisse. "Reyna will be here." Ali held her gaze. "If you make a move, you will regret it." She pulled free of Clarisse's grip and stalked away, struggling to reel in her anger.

"You're a coward!" Clarisse called after her. "You don't even care about us, do you? You're a traitor!"

"Enough!" Ali whirled around, ghostly silver flames blazing across her clenched fists and burning in her eyes. She marched towards Clarisse. "You don't think it keeps me up at night?! That I'm not constantly worried that I'll let Percy and everyone else down?! That I'll have to lose everything I care about all over again?!" Her flames burned brighter. "Clarisse. If I honestly believed that we could win, I'd agree with you, but they have been trained to fight since they could walk." She steadied her breathing. "We haven't." She walked away before the daughter of Ares could make a response.

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