Remnant Accords

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Remnant of Vale after the Mission

As Team RWBY were walking down town many people  cheer for the four girls as they were the daughter's of the Knights and Hero's of Remnant they wave at the people as they appreciate the people of Vale thanking them.

Ruby: "Thanks you guys!"

After thanking the people the girls then leave the area of their fans as Blake see a single mother standing alone looking at the store window Blake was concern and confused as she points it out to the others.

Blake: "Hey guys do you see that single mother there"

Yang: *Looks over* "Let talked to her"

The girls later walked to the mother who there staring at the store window looking at family picture as the mother hears Team RWBY walking up to them she spoke up.

Single Mother: "It nice to see you girls as Huntress and saving people's lives"

Ruby: "Well that what we do" *Slowly chuckling*

Single Mother: "But it was nice for what you do to those people who supports for you"

Weiss: "Well we are hero's of Remnant who brought peace here."

Single Mother: "Yeah hero's... you guys... but not for your fathers"

RWBY looked at the mother confused as the mother place the picture of her son on Ruby hand.

Single Mother: "I worked with council of Vale and it enabled me to raised a son and I'm very proud of what he grown up of he did"

Ruby looked at the photo showing a young 18 year old boy picture showing him giving a smiled to the camera as the mother looked at the girls.

Single Mother: "His name was Ralph Spencer's. Your father killed him...."

Yang: "No he didn't he did what he have to do"

Single Mother: "Of what you think that they fight for us do you think they fight for the freedom of Remnant I don't think so they murdered him in Mistral and they fight for themselves"

The girls didn't say nothing but looked down as the mother looked at them.

Single Mother: "Who's going to avenge my son? He dead and I blame the Knights."

The mother then later left the girls as they later looked at the picture as they felt guitly of what the mother just said to them.



Washington Knights Compound

It show the compound finally built as it was near a lake. 

It show David watching the New report about the incident in Vale after Rumlow blew himself up which killing innocents people in the building nearby as one of Remnant Council is speaking about this.

Atlas Council : "Our people's blood is spilled on our ground not only because of the actions of criminals but by the indifference of those we're pledged to stop them The Knight must answer their mi-"

David later got tired of the news and turn off the TV as he rubbed his face from stress after hearing people of Remnant wanting to end the Knights involvement in Remnant while sitting in his office someone knocked on his door as he turn around to see Summer standing there looking at him.

Summer: "David it not your fault.."

David: "I know it not.."

Summer: "Than don't let it bother you about it"

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