Epilogue: David Promise

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With RBY

Yang: "I can't believe this happened...."

Blake: "The Captain is somewhere we don't know...."

Yang: "That true Weiss said that she will be busy with something that we don't know"

Blake: "Yeah....Ruby any ideas...."

It show Ruby there sitting on her bed still looking at the David Shield as it was displayed in front of her, as Blake look at Yang.

Yang: "I think you should go Blake."

Blake: "Yeah....I'll will be with Jaune and the others."

Yang slowly walk to Ruby bed sitting right next to hers as Ruby spoke up

Ruby: "I still don't get why he kept it away from me...."

Yang: "Ruby he the reason he did to protect you and us.."

Ruby: "When Mom was telling about Dad I always wanted to be a hero like him and mom...But when Victor show me a truth that Dad was murderous Winter Soldier I felt like broken knowing Dad was a killer..

But..... When I saw his eyes while we were fighting"

It cut to show a small flashback showing David a top of Ruby picking up his shield up ready to strike her down but David later hit the floor missing Ruby as it show David looking at Ruby with tears in his eye feeling all the guilt of his daughter giving him...

Ruby: "His eyes were full of regret...."

Yang later hugged her youngest sister as Ruby tried her best not to cried of the things she said to David after the fight as the two were done hugging each other Yang look at Ruby holding on to her shoulder.

Yang: "Uncle David may need you as much you need him. I could promise that to you.."

As Ruby feel better about Yang talk she smiled as she look at David shield remember the word she said to him as it echoes in her head as someone knocks on her door showing a mail man holding a package.

Mailman: "Um is Miss Ruby Ross here"

Yang: *Chuckle* "Yeah Miss Ross is here"

Ruby: "Yang!!"

Few Moment later

(Play this till 1:42)

Ruby open the package as she put her hand in it feeling a paper as she pull it seeing a letter having her name on.

David: "Ruby......I'm glad you're safe and receive this message. I don't like the idea of Ironwood finding this so yeah but anyway. The Knights are yours maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 16 Ruby. I never really fit in anyway, even in the army. My faith is people I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down."

It show Nick in his cell as it show Razor laying down in his bed as they just watched Ramirez getting transfer to a different prison as Phoenix, Shadow and Omega squad sit there in cell minding their business.

David: "Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't."

Until it cuts to a security room destroyed as it show Atlas guards and soldier on the floor knocked out. As the camera feeds were destroyed.

David: "I Know I hurt you Ruby by not telling you the truth about me and Zemo. I thought by not telling about me I thought I was sparing you, but I can see now I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand."

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