the Winter Soldier and the Maiden

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Nick: "THEY WHAT!!!"

David: "Yep they tried to ambushed me just because I didn't told the location of where Zemo is"

Razor: "Ain't that great not only Atlas we're wanted in Atlas we're wanted the whole Remnant"

Sarah: "Yeah if that what your saying"

David: "Doesn't matter all that matter is that Zemo is out there and he will be hunted down so Nick, Sarah and Razor gather your squads we're finding Zemo."

Time skip

It show Summer with Tai and Qrow as they were watching the news of how Team Knights are now wanted fugitives as Summer check her scroll to see David calling her as she picked it up and walked to the side talking to her husband.

David on the phone: "Are you alright?"

Summer: "Yeah I'm fines thanks..... I know how much Zemo means to you I really do but please stay where you were you'll only will make this worse."

David on the Phone: "Are you saying you'll arrest me?"

Summer: "David no I'm not but someone will please you and the others are wanted by every Huntsman and Huntress so please stay where you are.."

David on the Phone: "Summer if he this far gone I should be the one bringing him in..."

Summer: "And why is that??"

David on the Phone: "Because I'm the one least likely to die trying"

Back to David

David then hanged up the call as he walked in the café that show Nick eating a small cake as David walked right next to him.

Nick: "She tell you to stay out of it?"

David: "What do you thinks?"

Nick: "You know she might have a point"

David: "He'd do it for me"

Nick: "That true I just want to make sure we consider all our options the people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me"

As the two captains were relaxing at the café Maria walked between the two as she have the file on her hands.

Maria: "Patterson think you should have this Ironwood is having a briefing about this pretty much now so that all the heads up you need." 

David: "Thanks" 

Maria: "You're gonna have to hurry they have order to shoot on sights"

Time skip

Germany Berlin

It show Zemo at the local market getting fruit as he place some blueberry in the bag he carrying as he later payed the store owner and walked away while heading to his apartment Zemo see one of the newspaper store owner looking at him as Zemo looked at him confused as the the owner begin to slowly run away as Zemo walked up to the stand and grabbed the newspaper showing him in Atlas blowing up the assembly meeting for the four kingdom's.


It show David walking in the apartment showing Zemo room as he was looking around David see Zemo dairy he begin to read it as Nick radio in

Nick on the radio: "Heads up David Atlas Special Forces approaching from the south"

David: "Copy that"

Closing the dairy David turn around seeing Zemo looking at him as David looked at him

David: "Zemo...."

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