Captain on the run

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It show the Quinjet flying in the snowing mountains in Canada as David was controlling it as Zemo was in the passenger seat looking down as he spoke up to David.

Zemo: "What gonna to happened to your friends?"

David: "Whatever it is I'll take care of it...."

Zemo: "David.... I don't know if we are worth all this....."

David didn't say nothing but looked back at Zemo as he said this.

David: "What we did all those years ago it wasn't us. We didn't have a choice for the thing we done...."

Zemo: "I know but we still did it...."

David: "I know and it came back to hunts us......"

Meanwhile in Remnant

It show Luke getting examined as RWBY were looking outside the x-ray room as doctors scanned Luke body Yang was sadden by this as she remember the looked that her father give to them after shooting down Luke.

After looking Luke X-ray Ruby is outside with Qrow as the two were at the balcony as they explain the injury of Luke is suffering.

Ruby: "The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1 extreme laceration to the spinal cord probably looking at some paralysis." 

Qrow: "You know your father is not going to stop either will you or else Luke will be the best case scenario by this"

Ruby: "I know Dad is going somewhere I don't know Mom is on the run by Ironwood it just I don't know what to do Uncle Qrow" 

Qrow: "Well the Ace Ops are chasing the Four Marines and Sarah is missing that all the one who escaped from the Airport after the fight."

Ruby: "What about Nick and the others?"

Qrow: "They are in Atlas in a secure cell making sure that none of them escape"

Ruby: "Actually..... I want to talked to him...."

Qrow: "Ruby...."

Ruby: "Don't you get it Uncle Qrow if I talked to him he might know where Dad is.."

Qrow: *Sigh* "Okay just this once"

Ruby: "Okay"

Before Ruby could leave Jaune came running to Ruby and Qrow as he was catching his breath as the two look at Jaune confused.

Ruby: "Jaune what happened?"

Jaune: "Ruby you won't believe this but look"

Jaune show Ruby and Qrow his scroll as it show a picture of a dead doctor in the bath as Ruby eyes widen as she look at Qrow.

Ruby: "We got to go now...."

Few Moment later...

It show a Bullhead going to Atlas Academy as Winter explains to RWBY in the inside the bullhead as she tells who was the doctor was.

Winter: "We called in a psychiatrist as soon as we captured Zemo we dispatched Doctor Theo Broussard from Mantle within the hour until he was met by this man and by Neo."

Blake: "So did we know who he is?"

Winter: "Well if our intel is correct the fake doctor is actually Sargent Victor Helmut formerly CIA he ran echo scorpion as a American Covert kill squad" 

Winter send all Victor records in his life during his time in the CIA it show all Victor mission and his family as it show his family dead in the hotel they were staying at.

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