The Bombing

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It show David and the other carrier carrying the coffin in the church as David tries to hold in the tears as he see the picture of the same nurse who take care of him after setting the coffin down in the middle of the church David return to his seat as he listen to the funeral.

Few Moment

After the Funeral David say sorry to the family member of the Nurse as they thank him for watching out for her since when David came to Earth after the portal sucked him back while he was staying in Remnant while looking at the the flowers and the picture to busy looking at it Sarah came in walking as she stop next to David.

David: "When Patterson set me free from the dark place I was in I thought I will see her again but since when she got sick I was sad I just thought that I was lucky to have her"

Sarah: "Well she I guess she was lucky to have you to take care of her"

David: "Yeah... who else signed"

Sarah: "Patterson, RWBY, Jaune, Ren Nora, Summer, Qrow and Tai"

David: "William and Louis?"

Sarah: "They said they won't signed it Ramirez say that he going to retired"

David: "Hm alright"

Sarah: "Don't worry Summer off to Atlas for the signing of the accords she said there plenty room on the jet"

David: "Tell her I'm not going I'm going need some time and tell her that I'm not going to signed it"

Sarah: "I know Me, Nick, Razor and our squad are not signing it too so we are with you captain"

David: "Thanks Sarah.."



It show reporters and photographers taking pictures at the transport as the four Kingdom of Vale were driving to the assembly many Atlas guards were guarding the area.

Lisa: "We are live at a Special meeting with all Four Kingdoms of Remnant as they will ratify the Accords about the Knights recent mission"

Then it show Ironwood walking with Winter (Ramirez First born) as Winter is now leading a squad that is behind her as they looked around for any suspicion activity as they were Atlas best squad in Remnant.

Then it show Ironwood walking with Winter (Ramirez First born) as Winter is now leading a squad that is behind her as they looked around for any suspicion activity as they were Atlas best squad in Remnant

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 Marrow: "So Guy's why are we here again?"

Harriet: "We are here to overview the meeting about the Knights"

Marrow: "Wait really!!!! Oh man I can't wait to meet them oh I want to have autograph by Knight David he so cool!"

Marrow was waging his tail back in forth as Winter smirk about this as Harriet snort out of the outburst of Marrow was giving as Vine sigh while walking with the group.

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