The Trailer of the Second Civil War

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(Guys this will be the trailer for Alpha Marine in Remnant book)

Ever since I got out of Remnant I thought my life will change and I guess wrong but hearing the others are going to change the future I can't let that happened because with that we don't know what will happened when it come's.

But what I believe it could be low percent when that event will happened I know the others like my team told me that Remnant deserver a second chance. It could be but not like this we can't change what will happened we can't changed our faith. We can't changed our density what will happened might turn people against me. But I know the whole world of Remnant will turned against me but I won't allowed it.

(Play this)

David: "I remember the first time I really understood what it was to be an American... What it was to be a Patriot. When I was in boot camp along with my Team I was reading Mark Twain. And he wrote something that struck me right down to my core something so powerful so true that it will changed my life. I memorized it so I could repeat over and over.

What he wrote was 'In a republic who is the country? Is it the government? For which is the moment in the saddle why the government is merely a temporary servant it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong and to decide who is a patriot and who isn't. It's function is to obey orders not to the originate them. Who then is the country? Is the newspaper? Is it the pulpit? Why these are mere parts of the country not the whole of it they have only their little share in command.

In the monarchy the king and his family are the country in a republic it is the common voice of the people each of you for himself by himself and on his own responsibility must speak. It is a solemn and weightily responsibility and not lightly to be flung to a side at the bullying of the pulpit, press, government and the future it may hold us. Each must for himself alone decdie which is right and what is wrong and which course is patriotic and which isn't You cannot shirk this and be a man.

To decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor that people might call me. Both to yourself and to your country let men label you as they may if you alone of all the nations and the kingdoms shall decide one way and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right. You have your duty by yourself and by your country when the mob and the press and the whole world of Remnant tells you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world of Remnant and the Marines is this........"

"....No......You move....."

After the speech that David given the screen began to faded in black but was the Captain right what he said. What future of Remnant will hold in todays present will the Marines change the future and risk something badly that will change the future. Or will the Knights protect the future not risking the events that will might come worse.

(Play this song)

O say, can you see

By the dawn's early light

What so proudly we hail'd

At the twilight's last gleaming?

It shows Team Knight staring down against Team RWBY, MARN, JNPR and CVFY as the rain pour on the two these two Teams. As it shows Beacon on fire as Grimm were attacking the school as every students and huntsmen are defending it.

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