The Stone

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Atlas Academy 

Ironwood: "How Penny is doing"

Pietro: "She doing fine James but.... I don't if the stone we found will work"

Ironwood: "None sense this stone will be something that Earth military won't expected."

Pietro: "General my daughter will not be used as a weapon. She supposed to be Remnants Protector with Team RWBY and others."

Ironwood: "She is... But the stone we found. Legends say that it the most powerful stone that Remnant ever seen as someone buried hoping it will never be in the wrong hands. Well I could tell you this Pietro. We need to put it on Penny."

Pietro: "Fine...I will"

Few Moment later.

Pietro slowly and carefully put the stone inside of Penny as James smiled at this as Pietro slowly close the hatch of Penny as Ironwood mumble about it.

Ironwood: "1 down.......5 to go...."


The Dark Kingdom

It show Henry there looking at the gauntlet he have on his hand as he remember the war between him and his younger brother as he said his name while looking at it.

Henry: "Arthur........"

Dark Servant: "My King! We found it"

Henry: "Found what?"

Dark Servant: "The Mind stone sire. It in the Kingdom of Atlas my King."

Henry: "I see so it seems that Six out of the stones has been found. Hmm not yet until the time is right we will strike soon very soon. As life you know will be balance if I collative all six stones...."

Henry then smiled at the progress of the stone has been as he slowly started laughing knowing he will come back and finished his mission knowing the Knights are now divided 

Henry then smiled at the progress of the stone has been as he slowly started laughing knowing he will come back and finished his mission knowing the Knights are now divided 

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Meanwhile in Earth


It show David there laying  low there as he watches the news as U.S Military's force is getting ready to fight against Atlas as David cover his face not wanting to remember how wars are fought as David remember the war against Salem.

David: "God why would...this happened"

David then turn off the tv and walked out of the room still rubbing his forehead about this. He sooner later went outside as he took a deep breath as he walk to the tree facing the sun as sat down and look at the sunset.

While busy looking at the sun David begin to notice White Rose petal slowly drifting along with the wind. This made David frowned until he slowly look behind seeing a person standing there with a smile.

David: "Summer????"

Summer and Penny will Return in........... Not From This World The Knights War

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