1- Normal

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*jens pov*

"Go! Go! Go!" Ant yells out as we're running side by side. I look behind my shoulder and see the cop car speeding up. Suddenly Ant grabs my arm and pulls me to the side so we're running down a dark alley way.

We keep running until we get to the end of the alley, then we finally stop. "Jesus." I pant out as I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. "This is why I fucking hate going out with you." I say and look at Ant. "But did we get caught?" He chuckles and I roll my eyes. "Stick with me baby." He says and I can't help but smile.

"We should call a cab. That cop is still driving around. I don't wanna risk it." I say and stand up straight. "Well I would call a cab but..." He says as he's looking through his pockets. "But what-?" I say with attitude. "I left my wallet at the club." He says and looks at me.

"Ok-You're dumb." I say bluntly. Unfortunately I didn't even bring any money, so we end up just walking home the back way.

"How's your eye?" I ask as we're walking. "I don't know. You tell me." He says and looks at me, showing me his eye. "It's bruised." I say.

"Hurts like a bitch.." He says and lightly touches it. "So then don't touch it dip ass." I say and move his hand away from his face.

"We'll get it cleaned up when we get home." I say and he nods.

Eventually we get to our rundown little apartment building, and we walk up the stairs to the 3rd floor. Ant knocks on the door, but no one answers.

"They're probably asleep." I sigh and he knocks again. Eventually we finally hear footsteps, and Monty opens the door.

"Yo..what the fuck." He says tiredly. "Sorry, we got caught up at the club." Ant says as we walk in. "I heard the fuzz driving around. They were lookin for y'all, weren't they?" He asks and I look at him.

"Hell yeah." Ant sighs and sits on the couch. "What happened?" Monty asks. "Rj and Bastion we're at the club anddd there were a few punches thrown." Ant shrugs. "Oh shit..." Monty says.

I go over to the fridge and grab a water bottle. "You got your ass beat, didn't you?" Monty says and try's to stop himself from laughing. "Shut the hell up." Ant says and hits Monty's arm.

"Jen. He got his ass beat?" Monty asks me and I giggle. "Yeah he got his ass beat. Look at his damn eye." I say and point at Ant.

Monty looks at his eye and busts out laughing. Ant just rolls his eyes as I open the freezer and grab an ice pack.

"Here baby." I say and give it to Ant. He takes it and puts it on his eye. "Where's Jules?" I ask Monty. "Upstairs, in the room." He says and I nod before heading upstairs.

I get to me and Jules room and open the door. I see Jules laying down, scrolling on her phone. She looks up at me as I walk in. "Hey bitch." I say and jump on the bed beside her.

"Hey. How was the club?" She asks. "Very eventful mija...very eventful.." I say. "What happened?" She asks. "Ant got his ass beat." I say and she laughs. "Jesus.." She shakes her head.

Jules is my bestfriend. We were both in and out of foster homes growing up. We were in the same foster agency, and no family ever kept us, so it was just me and her at the end of the day. We got into a lot of trouble when we were little, and that only continued as we got older. We met Monty and Ant in high school, and the four of us have been inseparable ever since then.

It's always been us, together. We've been through everything as a family. I don't know what I'd do without them. But life would be boring as hell.

None of us went to college, which is surprising since we're all very ambitious. But we didn't see the point. Wasting four years of our life just to settle down at some nine to five job. We wanted more. So once senior year came around, we left the day after graduation and moved into an apartment together.

It's a small shitty apartment in a bad neighborhood with terrible connection. But I like it. We all lead a very spontaneous life, which makes everything fun.

Nothing is ever boring, there's always something new.

Even though we didn't go to college, we do all have jobs. Jules is a waitress at a small cafe, Ant works at a general store, and I'm a receptionist at the hospital downtown.

I know you might be wondering how I got a job like that, but I like to think I'm actually pretty sophisticated. Anddd I might've lied a little on my resume. But I am actually known to be good at putting on a professional act. Overall, Im not very professional, but I know how to act like it.

Add confidence to your voice, use big words, act like you know what you're doing and always agree to whatever your boss says. You're guaranteed to get respect from your workplace. That's what works for me at least. I think I'm just very persuasive. I know how to work my way around people, and I can deal with all kinds of personalities.

My job is pretty simple. I just sit at the front desk, answer phone calls, make appointments, and sometimes if I'm lucky, I get to talk with the doctors at meetings.

I get along pretty well with my coworkers...well, some of them. But I only know the people on my floor. The hospital has five levels, I'm on the first floor, and I've never even stepped on the other four. 

I like to think I have a pretty good and steady job. So do Ant and Jules. But as far as Monty's 'job'...well... he makes more money than all of us combined.

He's a dealer, and a damn good one. He knows everything about almost every drug out there. Whatever you want, he's got.

Obviously the rest of us don't care that Monty's into that since it's normal for us, and he's actually been getting Ant on board. He's been taking him along whenever he has a sell, and Ants made a couple of sells himself. He just still has his other job since he's not a full on dealer yet.

I know all of this is a lot to take in, but you've got to understand, this is normal for us. It's an everyday thing, and it'd be weird if it was any other way.


So here's the start to my new book!! This is just a little introduction, but I promise things will get more in depth with the next chapter, which i've already written, and will be coming out tomorrow!! please be sure to like and comment!! ❤️

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