27- Wrong

144 15 4

*leahs pov*

"Can you get me another drink baby?" Jen asks and hands me her empty glass. I would say no since she's already drunk, but we're on vacation, and she's having a good time with my family.

"Awe. I remember when George used to call me baby.." My mom sighs as I take Jen's glass. "What does he call you now?" Shanon asks. "He calls me woman-." She rolls her eyes. "It's always 'hand me the remote woman'." She says and Leah laughs. "So unromantic." She says.

"Hey Leah, you wanna get me another drink too?" Shanon asks. "No." I say and hand Jen her drink. "Please sissyyy?" She begs and I roll my eyes before taking her drink. "Leah-." My mom starts to say but I cut her off. "Just gimme your glass." I sigh since I knew she was gonna ask.

I give them back their drinks and sit on the kitchen counter, watching them laugh and enjoy themselves. I'm sad our trip is almost over. We're only staying for the weekend, so we leave tomorrow. But I am glad that Jen has had a good time with my family. Especially with how nervous she was.

"Damn- no one invited me to the party-." Nicole says as she walks in the kitchen. "Your loss." My mom shrugs. "What are we talking about?" Nicole asks and hops up, sitting on the counter beside me.

"That time mom got arrested." Shanon says and laughs. "Oh god. Literally traumatizing." Nicole rolls her eyes. "We've all been there." Jen shrugs and takes another sip of her drink.

"Wait- you've been arrested?" I ask and everyone looks at Jen. She realizes that what she said wasn't just a normal little thing and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Yess..." She hesitates and watches for my facial expression as she speaks. "Um- story time please??" Shanon asks, interested. "Yeah Jen. I'd like to hear this." I tilt my head since I was never aware of this.

"No- I shouldn't. It wasn't a big deal." She shrugs it off. I know she's lying. "Oh it definitely was. Details please!" Shanon says. Jen looks at me, nervously and I raise my brows waiting for her to explain.

"Ok...well... you see what has happened was..." She starts to say, but hesitates. "C'mon I'm curious!" My mom says anxiously and Jennifer swallows hard, trying to avoid eye contact with me. "Ok, ok." She sighs.

"So basically this one time I was dating a drug dealer, and not like just weed, I mean like hard shit, ya know? And what happened was that he was on house arrest but he still had to sell and make money, so he called me and asked if I could do him a favor, right? So I was all like 'yeah of course'. But apparently that favor involved me carrying four pounds of heroine to a trap house. So obviously, I was in love with him, and I did it. Then once I got there before I even stepped inside the house, the cops came. Apparently people were concerned about what had been going on at the house. So they stopped me and searched me. Long story short, they found the drugs, and I spent six months in jail." She presses her lips after blurting it all out.

My face is in a permanent state of shock, and I'm honestly speechless. I guess everyone else is too.

I look at my mom and my sisters to see if they're approval of Jennifer is completely washed down the drain. But they just look shocked as well.

"Cool.." Shanon says in awe. "Yeah. A lot cooler than my story. Mine was for public urination." My mom says and laughs at herself. "And for disturbing the peace ma. You were drunk." Nicole reminds her. "I had to pee!" My mom defends herself.

I can see a slight wave of relief go over Jennifer since they're not completely appalled at her story, but I'm still just frozen.

"Wait Jennifer, how did you only get six months for carrying four pounds of heroine?" Shanon asks. "Well I heard the cop sirens before they actually pulled up on me, and I got scared, so I threw two pounds of it in the bushes." She says and Shanon nods.

"Wow...you think it's still out there?" Nicole asks. "Maybe. But with the neighborhood it was in...I'm sure somebody probably found it and used it by now." She shrugs and my mom laughs.

"That's a cool ass story Jenny." Shanon says. "You tell that story at parties??" Shanon asks. "Depends on what kind of party." Jen smiles. "I think you should at every single one. I'm serious. I mean- fuck a party trick. Tell that story instead." Shanon laughs and so does Jen.

"You've had some experiences, huh lady?" My mom says and puts her arm around Jen. Jen smiles and laughs. "She's like me." My mom says trying to relate with her, but she's just drunk. "No she's not ma. She doesn't piss in public." Shanon says and my mom rolls her eyes.

"I'm going swimming." My mom says and gets up. "Finally- that's what I've been trying to do." Nicole says and stands up too before Shanon follows behind them and they all walk outside.

That leaves me and Jennifer. I look at her and I can tell she's uncomfortable. "Great story babe" I say sarcastically. "I can't believe I just exposed myself to you and your family." She says and rubs her forehead. "I'm so drunk." She whimpers.

"You're a sick person." I sigh. "Are you mad at me?" I ask. "It seems like you're mad. But it's okay! They thought the story was cool!" She tries to sugarcoat it. "I'm not mad...I'm just surprised." I tilt my head.

"You think I'm stupid." She pouts. "I don't." I shake my head. "I just wish you would've told me before blurting it out to my family." I say. "I never even planned on telling you! And I'm so drunk." She repeats and I can't help but giggle.

"C'mon my love. Let's go outside." I stand up and walk over to her before helping her up.

I honestly cannot believe that just happened. Jennifer is full of surprises. I really thought I had her all figured out. But boy was I wrong..

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