11-Can I Come?

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*jens pov*

"I'm nervous." I say to Leah as we're in the car. "Why? You work with these people everyday-." She says. "But not like you do. I barely know any of the other doctors." I shrug. "Well this your chance to get to know them." She says and I sigh.

We're on the way to this party thing that Leah is making me go to. And I'm literally dreading it. But I'll suck it up for her.

"We're here." Leah says and I look up from my phone, just to see this huge modern house. "Damn." I say and unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Who's house is this?" I ask. "Dr.James." She says. "He's one of the surgeons." She says. "Well-that makes sense." I since most surgeons are rich and this house just proves that.

We walk up to the front porch and Leah rings the doorbell. "Leah! Welcome." An older man answers the door and says to Leah. "Hi Dr.James." She smiles. "Please, call me Mark." He smiles big and she nods.

This dude seems pretty friendly. He gives off that grandpa type of comfort with his grey hair and soft eyes.

"And who's this young lady?" He asks once his eyes shift to me. "This is Jennifer." She says and grabs my hand, pulling me a little closer since I was kind of distancing myself from the conversation.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you." I put on a smile and hold my hand out to shake his. "Oh none of that-." He says and pulls me in for a hug. It startled me, but I hug him back. "Come on in!" He says and opens the door all the way.

We walk into the house, and it's even nicer on the inside. There's a whole bunch of sophisticated looking people standing around, talking to eachother. And I feel very out of place.

Leah takes me around, introducing me to people, making small talk with them, which is fine since they all seem pretty nice.

Once I meet everyone, which takes a while since there's a lot of people here, Dr.James comes back over and talks to us a little, just getting to know me.

We're sitting in the living room while just chatting. "So you're the little receptionist everyone talks so much about?" He asks once I tell him I work the front desk.

"Everyone talks about me??" I ask. "Oh yeah." He nods and chuckles. "Well why?" I tilt my head. "Oh you know, they don't say anything bad. Just 'Did you see the receptionist today? She sure is lookin cute.' Things like that." He nods. I smile and just laugh it off.

"Well that's very nice." I nod. Leah puts her hand at my back and softly strokes it since she can tell I'm a little confused. "Don't worry about these doctors though, if they give you any problems, you just come to me." He nods. "Or Leah. I'm sure she'll keep them
in check. Isn't that right Ms.Remini?" He says. "That's right." She nods and looks at me. I giggle and shake my head.

"Well you ladies have a good time, alright?" He says and stands up before walking away. "I'm gonna get us a drink. Ok?" Leah says and I nod. She stands up and heads to the kitchen.

Almost immediately after she leaves, Dr.Lee comes over and sits right beside me. "Hi." He says. "Hey." I force a smile. "I didn't think I'd see you here." He says. "I didn't plan on coming." I shrug.

"I see." He nods. "Well I'm glad you did." He says and I nod, not really knowing what to say.

"Who are you here with?" He asks. "Leah." I say. "Remini?" He asks and I nod. "You could've come with me." He chuckles. "Why would I come with someone who's not my girlfriend?" I ask, getting kind of annoyed.

He raises his brows, confused. "You're dating Leah??" He asks in shock and I nod. "Oh wow...plot twist." He forces a chuckle.

"Mhm.." I hum, uncomfortably. He looks up, trying to think of what to say, then he just looks at me before standing up and walking away.

That was horribly awkward and I'm so glad it's over with.

"Did Dr.Lee just walk away from over here?" Leah shows up out of nowhere and hands me a drink. "Yeah. Just hitting on me for the thousandth time." I shrug and sip the whine. "What'd you say to him?" She asks curiously. "I told him that we're dating." I say and she laughs. "Did you really?" She asks. "Yeah." I shrug. "That's hilarious." She shakes her head.

"You know you're very lucky.." I say to Leah. "For?" She says. "Me." I say bluntly, since it's obvious. "Oh? And why is that?" She asks and sips her whine. "Well just look at me-." I say and she giggles. "Plus look at all these lil boys tryna get a bite of me. But they can't have any, cuz I'm allll yours." I say and she laughs.

"Yes. I understand now. I am so lucky." She nods sarcastically and I giggle. We stick around for about another hour, until Leah says we can leave. Thank God.

We get in her car and head home. We get to my apartment building and I unbuckle my seatbelt. "What're your plans for tonight?" Leah asks me. "Um. Probably just laying around and smoking a joint." I shrug.

"Can I come?" Leah tilts her head and I smile since she's so cute. "Of course baby." I giggle and open the door.

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