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*jens pov*

I stumble outside with Leah helping me. And I can't lie, I am a little embarrassed for telling that story. But they pried it out of me! Plus I'm drunk-. But they seem unbothered, which I'm happy about.

"Can we use the hot tub?" I ask Vicki who's sitting down. "Yeah, go head sweetheart." She nods: "Help me Leah." I pout as I struggle to take the cover off the hot tub.

She helps me take it off, then she turns it on to let it warm up. I sit on the edge of it while I'm waiting and Vicki turns to me. "Can I ask you a question Jennifer?" She asks and I can already see the look of annoyance on Leah's face.

"Of course." I nod. "Do you want children?" She asks and I raise my brows. "Are you serious right now?" Leah asks annoyed. "It's just a question!" Her mom puts her hands up in defense.

Then they both look at me, waiting for an answer. "I mean...maybe some day. In the future." I shrug. "See. She wants kids Leah." Vicki says. "You don't want kids?" I ask Leah. "I don't know. We're not even married!" She sighs.

"Yeah. I think that's a topic for later in our life." I nod and look at Leah.


It's the next day, and I'm finally home. We left early to catch our flight, and Leah just dropped me off at my apartment. I walk up the stairs to my floor and open the door.

I walk in and take in the edgy set up that I've missed. I set my bags down by the door and take off my shoes.

"I'm home!!" I yell. "Jennifer!" I hear Ant and Monty say at the same time from upstairs. Then I hear the noise of running down the hall, til they come down the stairs, toppling over eachother. "Hi guys!" I smile big and walk over to them.

I give them a big hug and kiss their cheeks. "Yo we missed you Jen. It's been hella boring." Ant says. "Yeah right." I roll my eyes and smile.

"Where's Jules?" I ask. "She's sleeping in. Upstairs." Monty says. So I head up the stairs and into me and Jules' room. When I walk in, I see her sleeping in her bed. I smile and jump on the bed, startling her.

"What the fuck?" She groans. But her mood changes when she sees me. "You fucker!" She laughs and pulls me into a tight hug. "Damn. I was only gone for two days." I laugh. "That's too many." She says as we're still hugging.

"You came back just in time Jen! Ricky is throwing a huge party downtown tomorrow, and we didn't wanna go without you. Plus you know his parties are always the best." She says and I give her an offended look. "Other than ours." She corrects herself and I laugh.

"I don't know Jules, I'm super jet lagged, I just wanna sleep all day tomorrow. And I don't wanna go to work the next day hungover." I say. "C'mon Jen." She tilts her head. "Nooo. It's okay, you guys go without me. I promise this weekend we'll party like we did in high school." I say and she smiles.

"Alright. You sure?" She asks. "I'm sure." I nod. "Okayyy." She sighs. "So how was your trip? What's Leah's family like??" She asks, wanting to know everything.

"They're so fucking funny Jules-." Like they're so random." I say, laughing just thinking about them. "She has these two ball busting sisters that are sarcastic as fuck, but also nice at the same time. And her mother is such a mood. She seems like she's confused a lot of the time." I say and she laughs.

"But they made me feel so welcome. It was very nice." I smile and so does she. "I'm so happy for you Jennifer." She says and holds my hand. "Thankyou." I smile.

"Did you meet her dad?" She asks. "Well she had a step dad, but he was off at work. So no. But I want to. He's gotta be an interesting guy." I say and she giggles.

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