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*jens pov*

"Thanks for letting me stay." Leah tells me as I'm getting dressed. "Yeah, anytime." I smile. "I should probably head home to let Ona out. I'll see you tomorrow at work." She says and stands up off the bed.

"Alright. You okay to drive?" I ask her. "Yeah. I'll be fine." She says and walks over to me, giving me a kiss. "Bye baby." I say as she starts to walk out of my room. "Byeee." She says.

I walk out of my room once I get dressed, and Monty is just standing in the hallway, looking at me. "What-?" I ask with attitude. "How was your night?" He asks. "Great thankyou." I nod. "Yeah. I can tell because I could hear it all the way from my room." He says.

"Welp. Don't be jealous Monty." I shrug and walk downstairs. "I'm not jealous. It's whatever. You just wrong for that." He says as he follows me down the stairs.

"Ok Monty." I roll my eyes.


"Damn Jen. In our bedroom??" Jules asks once I explain what happened with me and Leah. "It's not like it was in your bed. You weren't home." I shrug.

"Well was it good?" She asks "Well I'm still with her, aren't I?" I say and she giggles.

"I miss you ya know.." I tell Jules, changing the subject. "What do you mean? I'm right here." She says softly and tilts her head. "I know. But I mean I miss hanging out with you. You're always with Ethan..." I say hesitantly because I don't want her to get mad at me.

"Well you're always with Leah." She giggles. "Nah uhn. Not like you and Ethan. Plus me and Leah just started dating so that's not fair." I tell her. "I know, I know." She sighs.

"I just want us to do more things together, like we always did." I say. She looks away, and thinks for a moment.

"Here. How about this." She starts to say. "Why don't we go on a double date?" She asks. In my mind, I'm screaming 'fuck no' because I do not like Ethan, and I doubt I'd be able to tolerate dinner with him. But I'm not telling that to Jules.

"Sure! That could be fun." I lie, trying to sound believable. "Great. Wanna do it this weekend?" She asks. "Yeah. I'll tell Leah." I nod and she smiles.

"I love you Jen." She says and throws her arms around me as we're sitting in her bed. "Shutup." I say and she giggles.

"I love you too.." I say softly.


"Can you please stop acting like this for one second??" Leah asks me as we're in her car. "I'm not acting like anything." I lie.

We're on the way to a restaurant that Jules picked out for the double date, and I'm not looking forward to it.

"Yes you are. You don't wanna go see Ethan." She says and I look at her. "No I don't. But I'm not acting differently." I say. "You are. And I know you are because you haven't kissed me yet." She says and looks at me.

I get a quiet and she just raises her brow as she smiles a little, knowing that I'm giving in. "Because I didn't feel like it.." I shrug and look out the window.

"Oh?" She asks a little intimidatingly. "Ok. Good to know." She says and I look at her. "I'm just kidding!" I whine and she rolls her eyes.

"Nope I get it. You don't have to kiss me." She shakes her head, playing hard to get now. "Ughhh." I lay my head back.

We get to the restaurant and Leah parks. She unbuckles her seatbelt and goes to open the car door, but she stops when she notices I'm not moving.

"Are we going in or what?" She asks and I just look at her. She tilts her head, waiting for me to say something.

"Ok. You can't be mad at me now." She says. I stay quiet and she just keeps eye contact with me. She grabs my chin gently and lifts my head up a little, giving me a kiss.

That immediately makes me happier since I did want a kiss, and I can't help but smile. She smiles too and rolls her eyes. "Get out of my car." She says as she opens the door.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and we head inside. We look around the restaurant until I spot Jules and Ethan sitting at a booth. So I take Leah's hand and lead us over to the table.

"Hey boo." Jules says and stands up, giving me a hug. She gives Leah a hug as well and I just smile at Ethan as a greeting. Leah sits on the inside of the booth and I sit beside her.

"Have you guys ordered yet?" I ask Jules. "Not yet. We we're waiting." She says and opens the menu. "What are you getting?" I ask Leah. "Mmm. I'm not sure." She says.

Eventually we all figure it out and we order. "So Leah, Jen tells me your a doctor?" Jules brings up all fancy like.

"Yes. I am." Leah nods and smiles. "Like a surgeon or something?" Ethan asks. "No. I'm mainly a psychiatrist." She explains and he nods. "Do you like your job?" Ethan asks. "Mhm. It's great." She nods.

"What about you. What do you do?" Leah asks. "He's unemployed at the moment." Jules says for him and Ethan shrugs. "Nothing wrong with that." Leah nods.

"What do you want to do?" Leah asks. "Not really sure. But hey, I got time." He chuckles and Leah forces a smile. "And how old are you?" I ask and Leah kicks my leg under the table, signaling me to stop since we both know he doesn't have that much time.

Luckily the waiter comes over with our food, so it stops the awkward conversation.

*Leahs pov*

As we a eat our food, I can't help but notice Ethan's body language. Somethings up with him, and it's not good.

Throughout the dinner, I continue to look for signs that he's giving off. And I catch many.

Once we all finish eating, we just sit and have conversations. "Leah, has Jen ever told you the waterpark story??" Jules brings up. I go to speak but Jen cuts me off.

"No- Let's not get into that." Jen says and gives Jules a look. Jules can't help but laugh. I'm guessing it's a funny story. "What is it?" I ask curiously.

I wait for Jules to tell the story, but Ethan whispers something in her ear. "You know what, we actually had something to do after this. So I think we're gonna head out." Jules says and I can already see the annoyance on Jennifer's face.

"Already?" I tilt my head. "Yeah. I'm sorry. This was really nice though." Jules says as her and Ethan stand up. Jen gives Jules a hug and I tell both of them goodbye before they walk off.

We pay our half of the check, then we walk out to my car. "Well that wasn't terrible." Jen shrugs once we get in the car.

"Only because Ethan barely talked. Which I'm glad about." She says. "I get what you mean about him now.." I say as I start the car.

"See! I knew something was off about his personality." Jen says. "No- not just his personality." I say and Jen raises one brow. "What do you mean?" She asks.

I look at her and stay quiet. "What-?" She asks, trying to get me to spit it out. "He's on something Jennifer." I say and she looks at me.

"Like drugs? That's obvious." She says, shrugging it off like I mean weed or something. "Heroin." I say and her eyes widen. "How do you know?" She asks

"You can see the track marks on his arms where he injects it." I say. "What the hell.." Jen says in shock. She gets extremely quiet and I look at her. "What?" I ask.

"Jules has a past with all that stuff..." She says softly. "She was addicted." She says. "It really fucked her up. There was multiple times where I had to take care of her when she was so out of it." She explains.

"Do you think she's doing it with Ethan?" I ask. "I mean, now I have a huge suspicion that she is." She sighs. "You need to talk to her, before something happens." I say and she nods. "I will." She says.

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