7-Better Than Nothing

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*jens pov*

"Your lips are soft.." I say calmly once we pull away. "Well thankyou." She smiles softly. "What do you want to do now?" She asks and tilts her head. "What do you want to do?" I ask, being a smartass.

She stays quiet and kisses me again, but deeper this time. I put my hand at her neck and pull her closer with every kiss.

We get really into it, until I hear the door to my room open. I pull away from Leah's lips and see Monty standing there. His facial expression changes when he realizes what we were doing.

"Um- I'm sorry." He says a little shocked. "The fuck do you want?" I ask annoyed. "Rj and Bastion just showed up. Ants bout to get his ass beat...again." He says and my eyes widen.

"Shit." I say and stand up. I follow behind Monty downstairs and see everyone crowded around. I push through the crowd and see Bastion, Rj and Ant in the middle of the crowd.

They're arguing and throwing a few pushes here and there. "Ant!" I say and Ant turns to me. "Please stop." I say and walk up to him. "Jennifer move out of the way." He slurs. "You're drunk. Let's just go upstairs." I suggest. "This your girlfriend?" I hear Bastion say and I turn to him. "No, I'm not. And this isn't your fucking house, so please leave." I tell him.

"Woah little girl. Why don't you step aside and let us handle this?" He says and I roll my eyes. "I got it Jennifer." Ant says.

I just ignore him and keep eye contact with Bastion. "You have three seconds to leave before I call the cops." I say sternly. "Call the cops? Look around sweetheart. You'll get in a hell of a lot more trouble than me." He says since almost half the people in here are smoking weed.

"You know what?" He says with a smug grin. "What?" I say. "I'll leave, if you come with me." He says and steps a little closer, putting his hands at my waist, and pulling me close. Before I can even respond, Monty comes over, pushing Bastion away from me, and punching him straight across the face.

Everyone starts cheering and yelling as they start fighting. Suddenly, everyone gets involved, just closing in on the circle as random people start to fight. I rush out of the living room, trying not to get elbowed in the face, and I quickly go upstairs, just to see Leah at the top of the staircase.

"What the hell is happening?" She asks, a little scared. "Don't worry. It happens all the time. It'll die down eventually." I say and she looks at me like I'm crazy. 

"This is chaotic." She says. "Well. I warned you." I shrug. "We should probably go upstairs." I say and take her hand.

I take her back into my room, and right when we walk in, Leah starts to gag. She lets go of my hand and runs over to the bathroom. I quickly follow behind her, just to see her on the floor, leaning over the toilet as she throws up.

"Oh my god-.." I sigh and walk over to her. I squat down beside her and hold all her hair back. "I'm sorry.." Leah manages to say.

"Don't be sorry." I say and rub her arm. I stand up and get her a washcloth, handing it to her so she can wash her mouth.

We stay in the bathroom for about 15 more minutes until Leah finally stops throwing up. I grab her a pair of pajamas and hand them to her as we're back in my room.

I sit on my bed and watch as she takes off her shirt. I tilt my head and admire her body. She turns around once she's changed and she smiles. "Can I help you?" She asks softly.

I just stay quiet and eye her down. "I should probably check on everything downstairs." I say and stand up. "Be right back.." I say and slowly walk past her.

I walk down the stairs and it is a mess. But luckily everyone left. I go back upstairs and peak into Ant and Monty's room, seeing them both passed out on their separate beds.

I am not looking forward to cleaning up this apartment.


It's the next week and I just woke up for work. Me and Leah have been talking a lot more ever since that party, and I like it. I like her.

And it makes me happy that she's willing to step into my lifestyle to spend time with me. It's sweet.

Unfortunately, this morning, I am extremely hungover. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've been to work plenty of times hungover. But this is like full on I woke up still high.

I slowly get ready for work, pacing myself so I can move steadily. I pick out an outfit then I do my hair and makeup.

I groan when I mess up my eyeliner for the third time. "Fuck this." I say and throw the eyeliner pencil down on the counter. Then I wash my face, taking off all the makeup I just put on.

I guess we're gonna be makeup-free today. Luckily, my hair looks really good, so I'm not completely busted.

I wake up Jules so she can take me to work, and we head there. I told Leah that she doesn't have to drive me to work everyday, that's why Jules is driving me.

We arrive at the hospital I and go to the fifth floor. I get to the front desk and set all my stuff down.

Work goes by super fucking slow, and I basically just sit here the whole time, dozing off.

I wish I could see Leah more often at work since she's usually all the way in her office, but it's better than nothing.

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