10-I Won't

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*leahs pov*

So it's been about a week since that night me and Jen did...well you know what we did. But she told me that she feels the same way that I feel about her, and that makes me really happy. So she's coming over today after work, and I've decided that I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend.

I have this strong feeling that she's going to say yes, obviously. So I'm just really excited.

I picked up Jen this morning and it's been a few hours since we got to work. I'm so ansy, I just want work to be over so I can see Jennifer.

The day goes on, very slowly, and I just see a few patients, mainly for their prescriptions. Other than that, I end up falling asleep at my desk. I know that's not very professional, but I don't have any other appointments today, and I got all my paperwork finished. So I might as well rest my eyes.

I was sleeping pretty good, until I hear a knock at my door. I quickly lift my head up and watch Jennifer walk in. "You okay?" She asks since I probably look tired.

"Yeah I'm fine. What's up?" I ask. "Wait- were you sleeping?" Jen giggles. "No-." I lie and she laughs. "Mhm. Well it's three o'clock." She says and I raise my brows.

"It's already time to go??" I ask in shock. It felt like I was only asleep for five minutes. Turns out it was like two hours.

"Yes." She says as I stand up. "Jesus. I'm sorry." I say and grab my purse. "That's okay." She says as we walk out. We get in my car and head to my place.

"You were sleepin good weren't you?" She teases. "I mean, hell yeah." I shrug since I was, and she giggles.

"Lucky. I could never get away with sleeping at the front desk." She says. "Did you go to bed late last night or something?" She asks. "No. I'm never really tired at work. Maybe I was just bored today." I shrug and she nods.

"Or I'm tired from you dragging me around all of creation." I say. "'Dragging' you-? Please. You know you love coming out and partying with me." She says. "If that's what helps you sleep at night." I joke and shrug my shoulders. "Shutup." She giggles.

I actually do love going out with Jennifer, but the partying is all kind of new to me. I mean, I've gone to parties before, and I'm used to it. But not her kind of parties. It's just so different and crazy. I don't love it, but Im sure I'll come around...hopefully.

We get to my house and sit at the table and eat the food we picked up. "How was your day?" I ask Jen. "Slow." She shrugs. "I'm sure yours was too." She says and I agree with her.

"Why are you being so quiet?" She ask and I look at her. "I have a question." I say and put down my fork. "I might have an answer.." She tilts her head curiously.

"Well...we've been hanging out a lot lately.." I say. "And..?" She says, trying to make me get to the point. "Anddd I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?" I say and she raises her brows.

"That's a stupid question." She says and I frown a little, thinking she's gonna say no. "I've been waiting for you to ask." She says and smiles. I smile too and sigh with relief. "I'll be your girlfriend." She nods and I smile big.

She leans across the table and gives me a kiss.

"We're going out this weekend." I tell her. "To a party?" She asks. "Mmm. Kind of. There's a party every year for the doctors at the hospital-." I start to say and she rolls her eyes. "Andd you're gonna be my date." I say and smile at her.

"That sounds terribly boring. But I'll go for you." She sighs. "Good." I nod. "You're not allowed to leave my side though. I don't wanna just stand around looking all awkward." She tells me. "I won't, I won't." I shake my head.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I just needed to post something!

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