2-Fifth Floor

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*jens pov*

"Dr.James? Yes, Rosa Quiroz is here for her appointment." I tell him through the phone. "Alright, thankyou." I say before putting the phone down. "You can head in." I smile sweetly at the lady and she nods.

Sometimes I hate coming to work since I literally act like a completely different person than who I am. I mean seriously. I talk different, dress different, and do my makeup different, but that's just what it takes. As long as I can go home at the end of the day and smoke a joint, I'll be fine.

"Jennifer!" Mr.Rawls yells out of nowhere. I jump a little and look over at him. "Can I see you in my office?" He asks sternly and I nod before standing up and adjusting my skirt.

I head over to his office and walk in. "Shut the door behind you." He says as he's sitting at his desk. I do what he says and take a seat in front of his desk.

He continues to do whatever he's doing on his computer, and I just sit here in silence.

Mr.Rawls scares a lot of people around here because he seems so big and scary. But I'm not intimidated by him, I think his looks give people the wrong idea. From my experience, he actually seems pretty nice, he's just bad at expressing it.

He looks up from his computer and I keep eye contact with him. "You're being moved to the fifth floor." He says quite straightforward. "Great." I nod, not even asking questions. I've found that Mr. Rawls doesn't like to be questioned, or argued with. So I've always taken the safe route, and not done either of those.

"Pack up your stuff from the front desk, and move it to the empty one waiting for you on the fifth floor." He says and I nod. "Thankyou." I say and stand up. "No, thankyou." He says and smiles. I smile too before walking out.

See? I gave no fuss and went along with everything he said. And I got a smile out of it. It doesn't seem like much, but he never smiles, and it just makes me feel good since he was so nice about it.

I grab an empty box from one of the storage closets, and start to take everything off my desk. I don't really have much, just a picture of me and Jules, a little plant, my coffee mug and a stack of paperwork.

I put it all in the box and walk in the elevator. Even though I didn't ask Mr. Rawls any questions, I actually have a lot. Why am I being moved to the fifth floor? Why is this so sudden? Will I be doing the same stuff that I was doing on the first floor?

But I'm more nervous about the environment. Even though I've never been on any of the other floors, everyone knows that each floor is like a different level of doctors. And the fifth floor is the top dogs. Like the surgeons and cardiologists. Unlike the first floor which was just for checkups and shit. But the fifth floor is where you go if you get shot, or if you have multiple personalities-.

The elevator opens and I step out, taking a look around. It looked pretty much the same since it is just a hospital, but this floor is way bigger. I see the empty front desk by the waiting area, so I walk over to it and unpack my box, which doesn't take long.

I sit down in the chair and log into my gmail on the computer. Luckily Mr.Rawls sent me a copy of all the doctors names on this floor and their room phone numbers so I know what number to call when someone has an appointment. On the first floor, I already knew all the doctors and basically had their numbers memorized, but I don't know anyone here.

So it's nice that Mr.Rawls sent this. I decide to print it out and set it on my desk so I can look at it easier.

"Hi there." Someone says and I look up to see a man wearing a white doctors coat and a stethoscope around his neck. "Hi." I smile. "You must be the new receptionist?" He observes. "That's me." I nod, being friendly.

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