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*leahs pov*

I get to my house after dropping off Jennifer, and I immediately hear little paws running down the hall.

I get greeted by my dog, Ona, jumping all over my legs.

"Hi mama

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"Hi mama." I say sweetly before squatting down and giving her lots of love. I walk over to her empty food bowl and refill it.

Once I do that and give her some water, I head into my office room while I let her eat. I get some paperwork filled out.

That takes about an hour, then I just scroll on my phone. Suddenly, Jennifer randomly pops into my head, and I start to think about her. She's so sweet and funny. I really like her. She's a nice touch to the boring environment at the hospital, even if she's just a receptionist.

With her still on my mind, I decide to search her instagram so I can follow her. I type in 'Jennifer', but obviously there's thousands of Jennifer's in the world, so she doesn't pop up. Then I remember that I've seen her last name on the little name tag on her front desk.

So I type in 'Jennifer Lopez', and sure enough, she comes up. Her profile picture is a blurry photo of her in a pair of fancy pink party glasses, with colorful lights in the background.

I click on her account and her photos immediately take me by surprise. The first one that catches my eye is a picture of her, completely stoned, with a blunt hanging out of her mouth. Her eyes are super red and her eye lids are low, which is an oddly attractive look on her.

I scroll down and I raise my brows at the next picture. It's a picture of her smiling big with her eyes closed, as she's lifting up her shirt, flashing the camera. But there's two emoji stickers covering her boobs.

Interested and shocked, I continue to scroll, just to see more and more party pictures of her having fun and being completely crazy. Eventually I get to one of her looking out a car window. She obviously wasn't aware that someone was taking a picture of her, but she looks so effortlessly beautiful. The sun is hitting her face perfectly, making her brown eyes look like honey, and her skin is glowing.

This picture is different from the rest. I mean, she looks great in the other ones, but this one is so genuine and calm. It's definitely my favorite.

This is a lot to take in. I mean-...is this the right Jennifer?? It obviously is, but she seems so different. It's obvious that she's a lot more uncensored and vulgar when she's outside of work with me, but this is just a whole different level.

I would've never thought that this is what she likes to do. I mean she works at a hospital or christ's sake. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging her in the slightest, I'm just so unbelievably surprised.


The next morning I get up and take Ona for a quick walk before getting ready for work. Once I do that, I get in my car and head to Jen's house.

I wait outside of her apartment building once I text her I'm here. And eventually, I watch her come outside. She runs her fingers through her hair before putting on her coat which covers her tight fitted tank top. Ugh, she walks like a model.

She gets to the car and sits in the passenger seat. "Hey." She smiles. "Hi. You ready?" I ask as she puts on her seatbelt. "Yep." She nods.

I don't know why, but after seeing all that stuff on her instagram, it's kind of weird seeing her in person. Not in a bad way, I'm just looking at her differently now.

"I like your car...a lot." She says observing it. "I wanted to tell you that yesterday." She says and I smile. "Well thankyou." I giggle since she randomly brought that up. "I'm serious. And it smells amazing in here. It smells like you." She says.

"Wow. That's like a triple compliment." I say and she smiles a little. "Just don't mind all the dog hair." I say as I literally take a piece of dog hair off my leg. "You have a dog?!" She asks all excitingly. "I do." I giggle. "Her name is Ona." I say and she pouts her lip like that's the most adorable thing ever.

"You have let me meet her." She gushes. "We can arrange that." I smile and nod with my eyes on the road. "I love dogs." She sighs. "Did you have one growing up?" I ask and glance at her. "No. I've actually never had one." She says and I raise one brow.

"Really?" I ask and she nods. "Well they're great...sometimes." I say and she giggles.

Eventually we get to work and we part our ways.

*One week later*

"I'll see you next week, ok?" I say to one of my clients and they nod. Once they walk out, Jennifer walks in right after they leave. "Hey. You ready to go?" I ask since the clock finally hit four and it's time for us to go home. "Yeah. Let's go." She nods.

I get my stuff together and we head out to the car. "I didn't see you in the cafeteria today?" I say as I'm driving. "Oh yeah. That Dr.Lee guy saw me in the hall and talked my ass off. He wouldn't let me leave the conversation-. I didn't even get to eat." She says annoyed.

"Well we could pick up some food if you wa-." I start to say but she cuts me off. "Yes!" She nods and I giggle.

We end up going through a driveway to get something to eat. "Can I eat in your car?" She asks as I'm driving. "Yeah, go ahead." I nod. "Or we could go back to my place and eat." I say and she looks at me.

"Only if you want to." I shrug. "I'd love to." She says all charming like and I giggle. We head to my house and we get there after about fifteen minutes.

"I'm sorry. But didn't you tell me that all doctors aren't rich or some shit?" She asks as she's looking at my house. "Shutup." I giggle as we walk to the front door.

We both walk in and Jennifer just looks around in awe. "Wow...this is...wow." She says, getting a good look at everything.

"That's a nice ass couch." She says as she points at it. I giggle and shake my head. "Follow me." I say and take her upstairs to my bedroom. "Ouuuu this is niceee." She says. I walk over to Ona's kennel in the corner of the room and open it.

"Oh my god!" Jen says once she realizes a dog is running her way. "Hi baby girl!!" She says as she sits on the floor and lets Ona jump all over her.

"You are so adorable!" She gushes like Ona can understand what she's saying. "She is so adorable." She says to me and I smile.

"And annoying." I say and she giggles. "You wanna come home with me?? Is Leah mean? Yeah she's mean, I'll take you home." Jennifer goes on as she pets Ona. "Wowww." I roll my eyes. "Don't mind her." She says to Ona and I laugh.

Jennifer stands up and picks up Ona in her arms. "You wanna go eat?" I ask her. "Yeah." She nods with her attention still on Ona.

We go back downstairs and Jennifer puts Ona down before we sit at the table. "I'm starvinggg." She says dramatically before digging into her food. "Is it good?" I ask and she nods with a mouthful of food. I giggle and eat my food.

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