25-Couldn't Sleep?

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*jens pov*

"This is beautiful." I say, looking all around as we're all walking down a trail. I've spent all of my life in the city, it's all I've ever known. A change of scenery can be really scary for some people, but this is beautiful.

We're literally walking between mountains, covered in trees taller than I've ever seen. Even the air is different. It's fresh, full of life. And not the life of assholes telling you to get out of the road. That's what New York is like.

But here, it's like everything is important, it all has a reason. I've never even seen deer before until ten minutes ago when we saw a mama deer with her fawn.

I could've stayed there forever, quietly and cautiously, just watching them.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this." Leah smiles at me and squeezes my hand a little as we're walking with our fingers interlocked.

"I really am." I smile back. I take a deep breath of the fresh air, just enjoying it, until it's ruined by a big 'thud' noise. I look and see Vicki on the ground.

She's surrounded by roots that are coming up from the ground, so she must've tripped. "Mom...that's why you don't drink at eleven o'clock in the damn morning." Nicole says and walks over to help her.

Shanon tries to contain her laughs and Leah just shakes her head. "Stupid root came out of nowhere." Vicki rolls her eyes once she stands up and wipes the dirt off her butt.

"You okay mom?" Leah asks and laughs a little. Vicki didn't fall hard, it was just a little stumble, nothing serious, otherwise no one would be laughing. They're probably just used to this.

"Oh like you care." Vicki rolls her eyes and Leah laughs some more. I smile and we continue to walk.

Leah, her sisters and her mom talk as we walk, but I kind of just stay in my head, enjoying the scenery, but not trying to seem too distanced from their conversations.

This is great, I'm having a lot of fun. I feel peaceful. The only downside is that...no matter how hard I try not to think about it..I could really use a blunt right now.


We're back at the cabin now, and the sun has gone down completely, so I'm getting ready for bed. I step out of the shower, freshly shaved and clean. I blow dry my hair, put on lotion and my short silk robe.

Me and Leah have had a good day, and I plan to have a great ending to tonight. I walk out of the bathroom, and I see Leah laying down on the bed.

I walk over to my suitcase and bend down to put my clothes away, making my mannerisms noticeably exaggerated.

I stand back up straight, trying look as seductive as possible. Then I turn to Leah, just to notice that this motherfucker is asleep-.

I slouch my shoulders back since there's no point in trying to be sexy. I wish I could get high right now..

God- I know I obviously couldn't bring any weed or wraps here. But I could've brought my pen if Leah didn't say no-.

I don't know if she has this mentality that she's trying to change me and my habits or something, but I don't think It'll work. I really do love her, but this is just how I grew up, and its what I'm used to.

It's completely normal to me. Smoking is just an everyday thing. Now I get how all the partying and drinking can annoy her, that part makes sense. But what's wrong with a little weed?

I know it's not gonna come between our relationship or anything, I just wish she wasn't always so up my ass about it. It's always "are you high??" twenty- four seven.

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