9-Wanna Go Again?

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*jens pov*

I examine Leah's face before bringing my lips to hers. She kisses me back and I smile against her lips. "You taste like banana." She says and I laugh. "So do you." I say since we were both smoking the hookah.

"Let's get out of here.." I say softly. "Yeah?" I tilt my head and she nods. I take two more hits off the hookah since I'm not about to waste the money I payed, then we both walk to Leah's car.

"You okay to drive?" I ask. "Yeah I'm good." She nods and puts on her seatbelt. She pulls out of the driveway and we head to her house.

Once we get there, we walk in and I get a text from Jules.

"Wya bitch" I read off my phone. I text her back saying that I'm at Leah's house. I'm pretty sure Jules wanted to smoke with me tonight, but I have other things on my mind.

"You good?" Leah asks once she sees me on my phone. "I'm great." I smile at her. "Your eyes are so red." She giggles. "Are they?" I ask and look in my camera on my phone. "Oh shit." I laugh since they are really red.

"Oh well." I shrug and put my phone down. "C'mon, I have to let Ona out." She says to me. "Puppyyy!" I say excitingly and walk in front of her, quickly going up the stairs.

I get to Leah's room and walk over to Ona's kennel in the corner of her room. I open it and sit on the floor, letting Ona crawl in my lap. "Hi babyyy." I say sweetly and pet her. Leah comes in the room and laughs a little.

I pet her for a little longer, then I sit on Leah's bed so Leah can take Ona downstairs to feed her. I lay down and just stare at the ceiling.

I'm always so happy when I'm high, so I have this big ass smile across my face. I hear Leah walk back in and I sit up, smiling at her. She sits down beside me on the bed, laying down, and I immediately crawl on top of her with my arms wrapped around her.

I'm also really touchy when I'm high, if you haven't noticed-.

Leah giggles as my head is on her chest. I lift my head up so I'm hovering over her, looking into her eyes. "You're so pretty when you're high." She says. "Well I'm always high. So thankyou." I say and she laughs.

I lean down and peck her lips. She smiles and puckers her lips out, wanting another one. So I kiss her again.

I pull away but her lips are the same, wanting another kiss. I giggle before kissing her again, but this time she pulls me closer, and flips me over so she's on top. Somehow we managed to keep our lips locked, so we start to make out deeply.

I put my hand at her neck as her hand travels down my stomach. I struggle to kiss back once her hand ends up in between my legs.

She starts to kiss my neck as I try to contain my moans. "You okay?" She asks and continues to kiss my neck. "Mhm-.. Don't stop." I say shakily and she starts to move her fingers faster, under my panties.

Right when I tell her not to stop, she stops and lowers herself down my body. Kissing down my stomach before spreading my legs and wrapping her arms around my thighs.

She wastes no time after positioning herself in between my legs, immediately putting her tongue to work.

This is heavenly. I haven't had sex in a long time. So I'm a little sensitive down there, and it feels amazing. She really knows what she's doing.


"You wanna go again..?" I bite my lip and look at Leah as we're both in her bed, naked. "A fifth round??" She asks. "Yeah. Why not?" I shrug. We've been going at it for a while, but like I said, I haven't had this in awhile. So I'm in no mood to stop.

"Am I that good?" She smirks. "Don't flatter yourself." I roll my eyes as I take the sheet covering her body, off of her. "Whatcha doin?" Leah asks curiously.

"Nothin.." I say innocently as I slowly get on top of her, positioning my body in between her legs. She lays her head back once I start to grind myself against her.

She gets the hint and grinds back in unison. I throw my head back once we start to get faster and bite my lip.

Leah let's out soft moans here and there, until we're both a moaning mess, getting closer to finishing.

"J-Jennifer-!" She pants out and that turns me on even more. So we keep going until we both climax.

"My god.." Leah sighs as I tiredly get off her. I lay down beside her and look into her eyes. She keeps eye contact with me and I smile at how pretty she is.

"I'm really falling for you Jennifer.." She says softly. I smile big and try not to blush. "Are you sure?" I ask since she sounded really serious, and I didn't think she liked me that much. "I'm positive." She sighs.

"Good." I say and she smiles softly. "I feel the same way about you." I say. "Good." She copies me and I giggle.


After me and Leah's little moment, she took me home and I gave her a kiss goodbye. I walk into my apartment, and I'm surprised there's not a huge crowd of people here. We always have parties on Saturday.

But instead Jules Ant and Monty are just sitting in the living room, smoking a few blunts with a cloud of smoke hovering around the room.

"Hey guys." I say to them and take off my high heels. "Hey. How was it with Leah." Ant asks as I sit on the couch beside Monty.

"It was great." I nod, replaying everything me and Leah did tonight in my head. "You fucked her didn't you?" Jules asks and my jaw drops.

"Jesus Jules. No I didn't." I lie. "You don't know shit Jules." Ant says and takes a hit of his blunt. "Just look at her face-." Jules giggles and I can't help but blush.

"Oh shit-. You did fuck her.." Ant says. "Dammit Jen. Always stealin my chances." Monty says and crosses his arms over his chest. "You didnt even have a chance Monty. "She's not into you." I say and stand up.

"She's into me." I say and stick my tongue out, teasing Monty. Ant and Jules laugh and Monty just roles his eyes. I go and sit on Jules lap and she hands me the blunt.

"Was it good?" Jules asks me. "What? The sex?" I ask once I take a hit. "Duh." She says. "Hell yeah it was good." I say and she laughs.

"Aye Monty." Ant says. "Yeah?" Monty says and looks at him. "How come Jen gets more pussy than you?" Ant asks and me and Jules bust out laughing.

"Shut the hell up." Monty says and hits Ants arm. "That's not even funny." Monty says, annoyed. "It is funny cuz it's true." Jules says, with us both still laughing.

"Man fuck y'all. I'm goin to sleep." He says and flips us off as he walks upstairs. "Love you!" I call out and Jules and Ant keep laughing. "You're wrong for that." Jules says and points to Ant.

"Oh well." Ant chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "Oh by the way Jen, Monty has a stock coming in from Vito next month. Just so you know cuz I know you don't like being around when he's here." Jules tells me.

"Do you know what day?" I ask. "No. Just ask Monty." She says and I nod.

Vito is basically like Monty's dealer. He keeps the drugs coming in for him so Monty can sell them. And that's normal since every dealer has their own plug, but I just really don't like Vito. He's this tall hispanic dude with muscles and an unsettling grin permanently stuck on his face. He's covered in tattoos and his eyes are usually bloodshot red since he's always high.

I don't like him because his presence overall makes me uncomfortable and he hits on me everytime he sees me. He's pretty scary especially since he's literally carrying every drug you could think of with him.

I just don't want him to try anything with me. That's why I don't talk to him much. But I'll make sure that whatever day he comes, I'll be with Leah.

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