15-Grease Monkey

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*jens pov*

"I'm not lying-. Even if I did see her touching you, I wouldn't care. She was just helping." I shrug.

"Jennifer." She says sternly and I look at her. She knows that it bothered me. "She was basically touching your vagina!" I give in and she laughs.

"No she wasn't." She shakes her head. "Plus, you don't have to be upset. You know you're the only one who can do that." She tilts her head.

"And vice versa.." She says and lowers her hand down my stomach. "You know fucking me won't get me out of a pissy mood." I say. "Well it doesn't hurt to try.." She says and sits up, tugging at the rim of my pants.

I look at her as she's biting her lip, and she looks at me before smiling a little. I can't help but smile back.

I grab her face and bring her lips to mine as we giggle.


"You know what...it actually can get me out of a pissy mood." I say trying to catch my breath. "Told you." She says as we're both lying here naked.

"Alright, I gotta head home." I say and stand up, picking up my clothes off the floor. "What? I thought you were sleeping over??" She says. "I am. But apparently Monty brought home a stray cat, and he asked if I could stop by and feed it since no ones home right now." I say as I shimmy on my pants.

Leah sighs and rolls her eyes as she pouts. "It'll take like 15 minutes." I say and give her a kiss before walking out of her room.

I call a cab and get to my apartment. I walk in, just to see Monty in the kitchen, making some cereal with a blunt hanging out of his mouth. "Yo." I say annoyed and he turns.

"Oh what up Jen?" He says. "You literally asked me to come feed the cat cuz no ones home." I say and he stays quiet, confused to what I'm mad about. "You're home!" I say. "Oh shit. My bad." He laughs. "I meant to text you." He shrugs and takes a bite of his cereal

"You're stupid." I say and walk over to him. I take the blunt out of his hand and hit it before going to sit on the couch. "Look at you...eatin cereal in the middle of the fucking day." I roll my eyes and take another hit. "As long as I'm happy." He smiles big and dances his way over to the couch, sitting next to me.

I sit on the couch with him for about 10 minutes, watching tv and hitting the blunt.

"Mk. Well I guess I don't need to feed your rabid cat. So I'm gonna finish this blunt, take a piss, then I'll be out." I say as I puff on the blunt. "Where you goin?" He asks. "Back to Leah's." I say and he rolls his eyes, making that face that he always makes when I bring up Leah.

"Ok, when are you gonna get over this?? She's gay!" I laugh. "Don't remind me...damn." He sighs. "Like for real Jennifer, she's my wife in my mind." He says and I look at him like he's crazy. "That's my girlfriend you're talking about-." I say.

"Smh. Gimme back my blunt." He says. "No." I say and hit again. I've smoked half of it anyway. "It's grease monkey." He says and I look at him. "Stop fuckin with me." I say. "It is. I ran into Vito today and he hooked me up with some." He says and my eyes widen. If you don't know, grease monkey is a type of weed. Just like kush and purple haze. But grease monkey is one of the strongest. And the last time we smoked it, we woke up in the middle of the road.

"Monty I thought we made a truce to never smoke this shit again!" I say. "Well I thought my tolerance was high enough now." He shrugs. "Well is it?" I ask. "Hell no. I forgot how to open the refrigerator earlier." He says slowly.

"That's what you get. Karma." I say. "Look at you smartass. You basically smoked the whole thing." He says. Shit.

I go over to the trash can and put the blunt out before throwing it away. "I'm leaving." I say and open the door. I don't really stress about how I smoked it because I don't feel anything right now.

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