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*jens pov*

"Hey stranger." Dr.Lee walks up to the front desk and says. "Hi." I put on a smile. "How are you?" He asks me. "I'm fine." I lie. I guess I am fine, but I'm still a little shaken up over what happened to me.

It's Tuesday and I've been at work for about an hour. "And you?" I ask. "I'm great." He nods. It's gets a little awkward before he just walks away.

My conversations with him have been awkward ever since I told him that I'm dating Leah, so I just avoid talking to him in general.

Next weekend Ethan is throwing a party at his apartment, and Jules really wants me to come. Obviously I hate Ethan with a burning passion, and I'd never be seen setting foot in his apartment...but I'll do it for Jules.

So I told her yes, and I'm really not looking forward to it, but as long I don't have to be sober, then I'll be fine.


"So why are you going if you don't like Ethan?" Leah asks me as she's driving. "For Jules, she really wants me to be there since we haven't partied together in a while." I shrug.

"At least it's a party and not an awkward double date." I say and Leah looks at me before laughing. "I can just get high, then I'll be in a better mood. I couldn't do that in the double date." I say and Leah gets quiet.

"Jennifer?" Leah says. "Yeah baby?" I ask as I'm on my phone. "Is you not being sober the only thing that brings you joy?" She asks and I look at her.

"What?" I giggle since I'm not sure what she means. "You always talk about how excited you are to get high or drunk. And I can tell that you're happiest when you're not sober. It seems like that's the only way you have fun." She says hesitantly.

"It's not-." I scoff. "I'm a fun person in general, I don't need a blunt to make me fun. It's just more enjoyable." I shrug.

"Yeah but you need a blunt to have fun." She says and I furrow my brows. "What are you getting at?" I ask, getting defensive.

"You worry me Jen. I get this is what your life is, but I can't always keep up with it." She says. "Who says you have to keep up with it?" I ask with attitude. "Woah. I'm just saying Jen, I don't like always doing that stuff when we hangout. I actually want to remember when we have sex-." She says.

"Ok first of all I never force you to smoke or drink. It's your choice. That's not fair." I say. "Well you doing it in general just pressures me to." She says and I look at her like she's crazy.

"You're the one who wanted to do all that stuff with me in the beginning." I say. "Yeah so you would like me." She says and I look at her. "You don't have to smoke or drink for me to like you." I say softly. "So don't fucking put it on me when you just admitted to you making the choices yourself." I say getting more upset. 

"Don't get mad. I'm just saying you seem a little-." I cut her off. "A little what??" I ask and she looks at me.

She sighs before speaking. "A little reckless." She says and I keep my eyes at her. "I mean c'mon Jennifer, I know you're just very nonchalant and free flying. But honestly, you're fucking crazy." She says and her eyes widen when she realizes what she said and how she said it.

I furrow my brows and she looks at me. "Sometimes! Only sometimes." She corrects her self. "Stop the car." I say and look away from her. "What?" She asks. "Stop the fucking car!" I yell and she jumps before hitting the brake.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and Leah forms a look of confusion. "What are you doing? Jennifer?" She says. "Are you serious?" I ask and stop moving. But she just stays quiet. "Fine." I say and open the car door. "Jennifer we're on the highway!" She says as I get out.

"No it's okay. I'm fucking crazy." I shrug and shut the car door. I start to walk straight and Leah slowly drives beside me as she rolls down the car window. "Please get back in!" She says and I just keep walking.

"Jen!" She says. Suddenly cars start to honk behind her and she looks back at them. "Ok then." She says before speeding ahead, leaving me behind. 

I stop walking and watch her drive off. What the hell just happened? Fuck.


"She's not wrong. You are crazy." Monty says as he's driving. I called Monty to come pick me up once Leah left. I've walked home from places farther than this, but I didn't want to walk on the highway, especially when I'm in this mood. I probably would've thrown myself in front of a car.

"Fuck you." I say to Monty. "Fuck Leah too..." I say softly and look out the car window.

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