24-It'll Be Fun

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*jens pov*

Leah takes my hand as we follow her mom upstairs. I hear faint laughter from one of the rooms, before we walk in the room it's coming from.

I see a brunette laying on the bed, and a blonde girl who looks a little bit younger than the brunette. The girl with brown hair is holding her phone in front of the other girls face, showing her something.

"Look at how dumb mom looks." She laughs as she shows the picture to her. "Ewww. Mom- what the hell." The blonde laughs, and takes the phone from out the girls hand, showing it to their mom. I catch a glimpse of the picture, and all I see is Leah's mom, pulling up her shirt, showing her bra with a big smile on her face, posing in front of a big sign that says 'Welcome To Florida'.

Maybe me and Leah's mom do have a little in common...

"Stop that-." Their mom says and snatches the phone. "Is that Lee-lee??" The brunette asks once we completely walk in.

"Hellooo." Leah says sweetly as she lets go of my hand and gives her sister a big hug. Her sister pulls her onto the bed as they both snuggle her.

"You are both so annoying." Leah groans as she finally gets free from their arms. She sits up on the bed and looks at me. I can't help but giggle and she rolls her eyes.

"Jennifer, these are my sisters. Nicole." She says and points to the brunette. "And Shanon." She says, pointing to the blonde.

"Hi. I'm Jennifer." I put on a smile. "Damn Leah- you scored big time." Shannon says and eyes me down. Nicole hits Shanon's leg and rolls her eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Jennifer. We've heard a lot about you." Nicole says in a nice tone. "Yeah... a lot.." Shanon says.

"Now stop that Shanny." Vicki says. "Listen. I've made brunch, for all of us. And these two dummies could hardly wait to eat. So let's go." Leahs mom says and I nod.

Vicki walks out of the room, walking past me, then Leah and her sisters get off the bed. I'm kind of following Leah around since I'm not familiar in this environment, so I wait for her to take my hand and lead me to the kitchen.

Once we walk in the kitchen, I sit beside Leah at the table, which has fruit, drinks and sandwiches graciously set out on it.

"Help yourself Jennifer." Vicki says. I smile and nod.

We all eat as we're seated at the table, and they make a lot of conversation. Leah's family seems to be very outgoing.

"So where do you work Jennifer?" Shanon asks me. "I'm actually a receptionist at the hospital Leah works at." I say and smile at Leah. "Oh that's great." Vicki gushes in awe.

"You two get to be close to one another." Vicki smiles. "How long have you two been together?" Nicole asks as she puts a grape in her mouth. "About five months now." I nod.

"That's sweet. I hope Leah isn't too much of a hassle." Nicole says and Leah flips her off. Vicki playfully hits Leahs arm and they all giggle.

"So I was thinking all of us could go out on a hike later." Leahs mom says enthusiastically. "Ma-. You really want to go on a hike?" Shanon asks.

"Why not?? It's a chance to be in nature." She shrugs with her Italian mixed Brooklyn accent. Leahs mom is so adorable but funny at the same time. You can tell she just wants everyone to be happy, but she's also a little goofy.

"I'm not  going on a hike ma. How can you fill me up with all this food, then expect me to go around exercising my muffin top??" Shanon asks and I can't help but giggle. They're all so funny. Even when they're not trying to be.

"I wouldn't mind a hike I guess." Nicole shrugs. "Ya know...on second thought I might not want to go on a hike." Vicki says and looks up like she's thinking. She's not even trying to be sarcastic, she's just genuinely clueless. She must be indecisive like me.

I continue to listen to the conversation, smiling through it all. "Just go on the fucking hike Shanon." Leah says and rolls her eyes. "I think it could be nice." I chime in politely, shrugging my shoulders.

Shanon looks at me with that imitating stare that most blunt people have, and I immediately regret saying anything. I disagreed with what she wanted to do. Is this where everything goes down hill?

"Alright. If Jenny wants to do it, then we can." She says and smiles. Wow, I've already been given a nickname.

I smile as well, with relief. I can tell Shanon is the type of person that doesn't take shit from anyone. She'll tell you how it is, and she's not afraid to. And that's a great personality trait. Although people like that can seem intimidating, they're usually not.

Once we finish eating, me and Leah go to the room we'll be sleeping in to put our stuff away.

"You think they like me?" I ask as I'm laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Leah looks over at me once she finishes folding a shirt.

"No." She says and puts the shirt down. "What-?" I ask worried. She smiles and walks over to me. "They love you." She says and crawls on top of me. I smile and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I thought it went well." I nod. "Me too." She says and leans down before kissing me. Suddenly I hear the door open. Me and Leah both turn our heads, just to see Shanon and Nicole peaking in.

They both burst out laughing and Leah sits up. "You motherfuckers are so immature-." Leah says, taking off her shoe and throwing it at them, but they quickly shut the door.

The shoe bangs against the door and I can hear them both laughing on the outside. "You two quit it!" Vicki says and the door opens again. "Sorry about that." Vicki says and smiles big.

"That's alright." I say a little awkwardly since Leah is still on top of me. Vicki looks at Leah and Leah gives her that 'what are you waiting for look-?', but like I said, her mom is clueless.

"What-?" Vicki asks. "Mom go!" Leah laughs. "Right! Sorry." She laughs and shuts the door. Leah sighs and looks back down at me. "You sure you wanna go on the hike with them..?" She asks.

"It'll be fun." I smile.

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