30-Happy Endings

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*leahs pov*

I got back from work a few hours ago, but I took the longest nap of my life once I got home. It's nine o'clock, and I force myself to get out of bed. I check my phone and see all the missed texts and calls from Jennifer. Shit.

I immediately call her and listen to the phone ring. "Hey baby, you okay?" I ask. "No." She says bluntly.

"What's wrong??" I ask. She sighs and goes to speak, but I don't think the words can come out. I hear her sniffle and I realize she's crying.

"You want me to come over?" I ask. "Yeah.." She says shakily. "Alright. I'll be there in a few. Hold tight." I say and hang up. I put a pair of shoes on and grab my car keys before heading to Jennifer's apartment.

I knock on the door once I get there, and Jennifer opens it almost immediately. She was probably waiting by the door. Whatever happened, must not be good.

I take her hands and pull her into a hug. "Don't cry, my love." I say, trying not to let the worry I have take over my tone.

"What's wrong?" I ask and pull away from her before wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"It's my mom.." She says and looks down. Now I'm confused. "Your mom?" I ask and furrow my brows.
"What about her?" I ask.

"I met her." She says and my eyes widen. "What-? When??" I ask. "Twenty minutes ago-." She forces a chuckle behind her upset voice.

"Jennifer...are you serious?" I ask, in complete shock. "I'm serious." She sighs. "She just knocked on my door, then I opened it, and she introduced herself....as my mom." She says.

"What the hell." I say, utterly confused. "I mean- are you sure it's your mother?" I ask. "She knows my full name, she even has pictures with me." She says.

"But Jennifer, are you sure-." She cuts me off. "I'm sure. Now that I know....I just know. I look just like her." She shrugs and presses her lips while more tears come.

"Oh baby..." I sigh since I know she must be extremely confused. She pulls away from me completely and holds her face in her hands as she cries, and walks away.

She walks over to the couch and sits down. She's not one to cry in front of people, and I know she hates to.

I slowly walk over to her and sit down beside her. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask and she looks at me. "I-I just don't understand..." She sighs.

"Well, what did she say?" I ask. "She told me about when I was younger, and why she put me in foster care, which I have always been curious about. But now I don't know if I would've been fine with some things unanswered." She shrugs.

"Well how do you feel about it? Would you want to see her again?" I ask. "I really don't know." She says. "What do you think I should do?" She asks me.

Oh god. Here she goes again, asking me what I would do if I were her, when I really don't know since I'm not her. But I always try and give her the best advice since she is bad at making decisions for herself.

"Well...I mean...If she seemed genuine about everything, and she had a good reason for what she did with you, then..." I stop talking when I realize how intently she's listening.

"Did she say she wanted to keep in contact with you?" I ask. "She did. She cried and seemed desperate. She wrote her phone number down for me." She says and hands me a piece of paper with a phone number written down.

I turn it over and see the picture of her and her mom. It's sweet.

"I think you should try." I nod. "You do??" She asks, making sure that it's my real opinion. "This might be a miracle Jen. I mean, overall it's up to you, but she is your mother. And if your curious to get to know the woman who gave you life, then I say go for it." I force a smile.

"It might be great." I say and take her hand. "Worst case, it's not great, and you just go back to how things were, living your perfect life, with your perfect girlfriend." I smile and she giggles a little.

"I'd have that either way." She corrects me. "See? Exactly. So what do you think?" I ask. "Maybe I need a little time." She says and I nod understandingly.

"But I will call her. Just- just after I take some time." She says and looks at me for reassurance, so I nod continuously, showing her that I agree.

"I think that sounds just fine." I say. "Take all the time you need, and do what you think is best." I say and she nods.

She gets quiet and just keeps holding my hand tightly. "Hey.." I say and she looks at me. "This could be a really great thing. Like something you only see in movies, with happy endings." I say and she smiles a little.

"I hope so." She says. "It'll be fine Jen." I tell her. "No matter what happens, it'll be okay." I assure her and she forces a smile.

It hurts my heart seeing how sad and confused she is. "Will a kiss make you feel better?" I ask and she can't help but smile. "No." She says and I roll my eyes.

"But it wouldn't hurt." She shrugs and blushes slightly. I smile and lift up her chin a little before giving her a loving kiss.

"I love you." I say and tuck her hair behind her ear. "I love you too." She says. "Are you gonna eat?" I ask when I see a plate of food, barely touched on the coffee table.

"I was.." She sighs. "Want me to heat it up for you?" I ask since it's obviously gotten cold. She nods and smiles before I get up and take her plate into the kitchen.

I wait in the kitchen while it's heating up, then I grab her some water too. "So where is everyone?" I ask since she's the only one here.

"A party." She says. "You didn't wanna go?" I ask. "No. I was too tired." She says and I nod. Once her food is done, I bring it into the living room and hand it to her. "Thankyou." She says and I sit down beside her.

"You wanna spend the night at my place tonight?" I ask Jen as she's eating. She nods her head yes and stays quiet. Sometimes Jen stays the night at my place when she needs a break. It's quite there, I let her rest.

Once she finishes up, she packs the stuff she needs for work tomorrow, and we head to my place.

"Can I borrow a t-shirt?" Jen asks as she takes off her clothes. I nod and walk into my closet. I grab her an oversized shirt and hand it to her once I walk out.

She puts it on and throws her hair in a messy bun. She gets in my bed and pulls the covers over her. "Can Ona get in the bed?" She asks. "Yeah." I nod.

I go to the corner of my room and let Ona out of her kennel. Then I walk over to the bed and pat the top of it, signaling Ona to jump on it. She does and she runs over to Jen.

Jennifer smiles as she gives Ona lots of love and kisses. I smile and turn off the lamps before getting in bed, with Ona in between me and Jen.

Eventually Ona moves to the end of the bed and lays down by Jennifer's feet. So I take this opportunity and scoot closer to Jen. She immediately realizes and puts her arm around me, with her face buried in my chest. And we fall asleep.

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