thirteen + scars.

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I tear my heart open,

Sew myself shut,

My weakness is that I can't do much.

My scars remind me,

That the past is real,

I tear my heart open,

Just to feel.

Scars - Papa Roach

It was that one phone call that changed my life that day.

"They were murdered, Megan."

Two innocent kids, twins, and their own uncle killed them. He was sent to jail that day, but its not like the kids who knew them so very well would just forget. We couldn't. I couldn't.

I was there.

It was mid-September of ninth grade. We were just getting used to classes and it was a day after my fourteenth birthday.

Grace, Granger, Calum, Ashton, and Sarah were waiting for me at my locker. They weren't able to see me yesterday because it was a Sunday, which was when my parents slept all day and snapped at everyone of they woke up.

Calum hugged me when I reached the locker, as did the others. We weren't people for presents, oh no. We just celebrated however we wanted. Grace was rambling about some guy she liked, which wasn't unusual. She liked a different guy every week. Maybe, if she was alive, she might've been dragged with Kalyn. But that didn't happen.

We went through the day, as usual. When lunch came. , we darted. Out of the school, to where ever we decided to go this time. Today, it was the small park at the corner.

It wasn't much of a place. A small swing set, one slide, and a little climbing wall. I guess it was the perfect place to be at the time.

Because the twins were snatched from between me and Calum, Sarah to my left, and Ashton to Calum's. I instantly turned, chasing after the man in all black and a ski mask. The man had grabbed Grace and Granger by their jaws, and I wouldn't have been surprised if he had broken them. I ran after the three, my flannel snapping in the wind.

I chased them into the woods, then stopped when I saw the three. I backed around, hiding by the nearest tree. Grace's eyes were hazed with fear, and she looked around, her eyes meeting mine. Then she mouthed, 'Go!'

But I couldn't. I stood there as their uncle reveals his face to them. As Grace said, fear lacing her voice and body trembling, "What are y-you going to do us?"

And I watched as their uncle slapped her, and Granger snarled, "You're a sick bastard."

And finally, I watched as he murdered both twins. But I couldn't move. I was frozen, watching the blood pour out of the scars that littered their bodies. Strands of Grace's curly dirty blonde hair all over the ground, ripped from her head.

And I never told anyone. They figured out who it was, because Grace had recorded everything with her phone in the back pocket of her jeans.

Yet still, I couldn't never forget the fact that if they were alive, the trust would be broken between the twins and their family.

Their uncle was diagnosed with split personality disorder three months later. He was switched to be in a phsyc house, and he's still there today.

I never told Calum or Sarah that I knew. I only told Ashton, because I was absolutely sure that he would never judge me. And even then, I didn't tell him until two years after the incident.

I guess, every issue or problem a human body is, it acts as a scar. First its red and irritating, then it fades to a mark you can't erase. Its burned into your mind, and sometimes the smallest things can trigger a memory.

Now, I glance up at the clock beside the TV. '2:56 AM' it reads. I sigh, my eyes trailing down to my wrists at the small white scars that are barely visible, but you can still see them.

"I tear my heart open, sew myself shut. My weakness is that I can't do much. My scars remind me, that the past is real. I tear my heart open, just to feel." I sing quietly, making sure no one can hear me.

I trace a small scar, the lightest one, my first cut. It was never deep like the others, but I remember too much of that. I remember going to Kalyn and telling her about it. Saying that to her kind of fucked my life up.

Ashton moves a little beside me, arms curling around my waist and attempting to pull me closer. I smile sadly, scooting back down and burying my face in his chest.

Its been three years, Megan, I tell myself. Get over it.

hey look an update

I came to the shocking conclusion that this story will only have twenty chapters, and I just prewrote chapter fifteen, so I have about six chapters and an epilogue left

I might actually cry I love this story

but anywhore

ilygsm :-)

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