fourteen + rumor mill.

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We've been picking up the pieces,

Leaving all the dust behind.

Sick of all the pressure,

you're just wasting time.

And I don't ever wanna know what it feels like,

to be a shadow of myself,

and I don't ever wanna come back down from this feeling.

Rumor Mill - We Are The In Crowd

I push my sunglasses on my head as the eight of us walk down the boardwalk, stopping at some places and walking past others.

Then Megan asks me, "When are you moving out of your mom's place?"

I think it over, but then again, we only have like a month left of school. Then I'd be eighteen come August, and I could move out, but I knew I wouldn't. Ever since Matthew, my older brother, moved out, my mom has been needing help. Danny and I have tried our best, but raising five kids on her own was difficult, Violet just starting school and not to mention, the constant conflict between River and Sage because of their ten-month age difference.

"I don't think I am. Mom needs help, she can't raise two bickering brothers and a six year old girl, plus Danny." I say, shrugging.

"She raised a six year old boy when Danny was that age, including you and Matthew, who were always fighting." She says.

"Yeah, but my dad was there until Danny's seventh birthday." Then he left, I wanted to add, but I shut my mouth. Just walked out during the poor kid's birthday party, right after he blew out the candles.

Megan reaches a hand up to my shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "Yeah, I know what happened. I was there, remember?"

I faintly remember inviting Megan, and I nod, smiling a little. "Yeah."

She looks at me again, "Hey, its fine that you don't wanna move out of her place yet, but eventually you're going to have to."

"I know. She just needs my help right now."

"I know she does. Okay, today's supposed to be a happy day, so you up for ice cream?"

I smile. "Chocolate, please." I say, shuffling for my purse(tbh i hate that word for an unknown reason) to get money, but she stops me.

"I'm paying, okay?" I just nod, slumping back into the bench with Luke beside me. "Just gonna leave you two, you know, alone."

"I get it, Megan. But that isn't going to happen."

The brunette scoffs, "Bullshit. You two will be together by the time I come back."

"Wanna bet?" I challenge. Megan smirks.

"Twenty." She holds her hand out, and I shake it.


Megan and the others go to the ice cream stand, leaving the two of us, and he smiles a little at me, looking back out to the ocean.

I take the time to admire his features. The slight stubble on his chin, the way he chews on his lip thoughtfully. His cerulean blue eyes that you could just melt into-

"Why're you staring at me?"


I glance at Luke, giving a small smile and shrugging. I wash of desire to kiss him floods over me, watching as the blond looks at me, bringing his lip ring in between his teeth. I glance at the ice cream stand, seeing that the others were still a little while before they got to the front.

megan + luke hemmings au [✓]Where stories live. Discover now