Grown-up Baby Boy

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Adrian Topher

I sat in Mr.Wright class, trying to tune him out as he dragged on about something. Probably the book we were reading. Wait, what book were we reading? Who cares, we had like fifteen minutes left in class.

"Mr. Topher." He shouted.

I lifted my head up a little bit, his face was blotchy. I rubbed my hand with my mouth to refrain from laughing.

"Mr. Wright!" I mocked his tone.

He gave me the hard eye, I mimicked it right back to him. Narrowing his eyes and turning up his mouth at me. I raised my eyebrow at him in a threatening way. Without another word, he turned back to the chalkboard and began writing.

Yep, that's right.

I leaned back in my chair, feeling overly confident as the entire class stared at me in awe. 

"How do you do it Topher?" Zachary Jameson asked me as he gave me a high five.

Well young Zachary, when you find a teacher getting it on with one of his students, his only obligation is do listen and do whatever you say so he can not only keep his job, but his family as well.

I shrugged. "Not sure, I just have my ways."

Zack slumped back into his seat, defeat all over his face. I chuckled under my breath.

I was about to tell him, someone knocked on the classroom door, making the whole class grow silent. Wright paused in the middle of his discussion and walked over to the door. We all watched as a teary eyed Joanna Nguyen walked into the classroom and sit in her desk, right next to me. Which was weird because no one had seen her for at least a few months. We all thought she had fell off the face of the earth. But as she slowly sat down in, her chair, and I took in,the scent of her flowery perfume, I was pretty happy she was back.

I wasn't even going to lie. Joanna was drop dead gorgeous. Although today she wore a hoodie and sweats under all that, was a body sent to earth from the Gods. She had jet back hair that had brushed her shoulders, all the curves in the right places.

I would know, if you know what I mean.

I lightly tapped her shoulder and she gave me a look that could kill.

"What do you want?" She hissed.

Ouch. I had also forgotten about her tough exterior. I opened my mouth to speak to her, but the bell rang and she got up as tenderly and quickly as she could. I reached out to help her, but she snatched away.

"You cannot touch me." She said through her teeth. People were watching as everyone filed out of the classroom.

I raised my hands up in surrender. "Sorry. Just trying to help."

She snorted a laugh. "I don't need your help, you've done enough."

She stared at me with evil eyes. So evil they made me shiver. Okay what was up with her?! She just got back and she's totally acting like the snob she was before she left, maybe even worse.

"What's up with you?" I snarled. "Who lit the fuse on your tampon?"

That did it. I didn't understand what she was doing when she pulled her hand back as she until her hand came in contact with my face. I rubbed my cheek, I've had worse.

"That's for everything." Was the only thing she said.

She turned around and slowly walked out of the class. I stood there, dazed and unsure of what just went down.

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