Decisions, Decisions

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This chapter is dedicated to LoLaRuLeS4, who flooded my gmail account with so many emails, I just had to get on Wattpad and finish this story for her. Thank you so much, this one is for you!


4 months later

"Maddie! Your boyfriend is here!" Melissa yelled from her kitchen.

I looked over myself. I had Aaron's oh so warm sweater on and skinny jeans. That sounded good for today right? I had just spent my Thanksgiving break moving in with Melissa. Richard kicked me out after catching me sneak out with Aaron. At first, I was pretty bummed, but then I realized that I was almost free of Richard and Diane's rules.

"Madsion Topher!" Melissa called again. "You're going to late!"  I checked over myself once more before grabbing my bag off my bed and rushing to the door. Melissa gave me an apple and looked at me gravely in the eye.

Something was not right.

"Richard's coming today to bring in the last of your stuff." She said in all seriousness.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he is, this was the third time in the past two weeks. "Can I stay with Aaron to avoid him?"

She searched my eyes. "This is the last time. I'm tired of getting yelled at in your place!"

I kissed her on the cheek and ran out the door. "Love ya!"

I smiled to myself as I saw Aaron leaning against the hood of his car with his arms crossed over his chest and stared at the ground. He was just too cute for his own good.  I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smirked and put his hands on my waist.

"Hey you." I smiled.

He leaned in and kissed me passionately. He tasted like peppermint today. It was nice. He darted his tongue in my mouth and switched positions with me so now I was leaning against the car and he towering over me. I pushed him away and he groaned.

"Can we just skip today?" He said with fire in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the passenger side of the car. He got in, grumbling to himself. I looked in the back to find Riley half asleep like always. Poor thing. I chuckled and shook my head.

"How long has see been out?" I asked.

Aaron pulled out of the driveway and zoomed off. "I dunno. Maybe since we left home? There really is no telling."

I nodded he was right. "So what's on the agenda for today after school?"

He glanced over at me and smiled. "Well, juniors have early release today, so I was hoping you could come over and meet my parents?"

My heart bursted into sprint. Meet his parents? I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought. It was too...scary. What if they were mean? What if they thought their only son could do better? What if his mother thought I was ugly? What if his father didn't like me? What if they liked Hilary better than me?

My growled to myself when I thought about Hilary, who had done everything in her freaking power to attempt to break Aaron and I up. He attempts were unsuccessful each time. And Aaron had promised me one day that nothing she tried to do would break us up, but only make us stronger. He said I just had to trust him.

I trusted him, just not her...

He grabbed for my hand. "Stop making bad scenarios. They'll like you. I promise."

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