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"You little son of bitch."

I could not control my anger. This was not fair. He couldn't do this. Yes, he was my brother. Yes, I loved him dearly. But how dare he show up after months of searching for him.

"Stupid stupid stupid." I yelled repeatedly while punching his shoulder.

He rubbed his arm and averted my venomous glare. Hell, I was burning holes into the side of his head. Swear I thought that I was about to rip off the steering wheel. Was that even possible?

Well you're about to find out...

"Watch the road Maddie!"

I was about to reply but I drove the car on a curb. I quickly got control of the car and kept my eyes on the road. We pulled up in front of the house but I wasn't ready to go in yet. I had some drilling to do. I closed my hands into fists. I could control myself, I can control myself.

For now.

"What the hell Adrian?!" I was enraged. "You can't do that! You can't leave and then show back up! That's not how it works!"

Don't get me wrong, I love him to death. But how the hell can a person practically drop off the face of the earth like that? It wasn't fair to anyone that were worried sick about him, that stayed up all night crying and screaming, wishing he were with you to endure the pain you're going through. He took the easy way out. He was selfish. And for that I was mad.

"You have every right to be mad at me." He said as he hid his face. "There are some things that I've're gonna hate me for."

I slammed my door shut and paced around in the grass. Adrian sheepishly got out behind me and leaned against the car as he watched me have a mental breakdown in the front yard.

"Cut the crap Adrian." My tone was sharp. "Where the hell have you been?"

He averted my piercing gaze. Hell, if I were him I'd probably do the same. I was burning holes on the side of his face. But can you blame me for being a worried sister?

"So I see the Carter family moved out."

Ha. Nice attempt at trying to change the subject. The Carters moved out weeks ago. Frankly, I was happy they were gone. Their six year old twins Austin and Jason were the Tasmanian devils from hell that I always seem to be babysitting every week. I would have happily helped them pack, but I was too consumed in other situations.

I balled my fists and flared my nostrils. I was not playing with him anymore. "Where were you? Answer my questions...or else."

He doubled over cackling, obviously not intimidated by my very serious threat. Through the mist of his hysteria he must have noticed the anger in my face because he completely sobered up and narrowed his eyes.

"Or else what? What are you going to the police?"

I heard the edge in his voice and I could tell he knew that was the last thing I wanted to do. In his own twisted way, he was using himself against me. Freaking tool. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly he wasn't my little brother Adrian anymore. His eyes were clouded and his mouth was made into a frown. He was someone darker...someone with issues.

But that ran in the family.

"Call them then!" He roared out of nowhere. "Shit, I'll call them for you."

He started to grab for my phone, but I shoved it in my bra. Let's be honest here, Adrian had at least a three or four inch advantage over me. What kind of idiot would I be to raise it over my head and tell him to reach for it?

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