Standing up

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After my homework was finished, that was the time when I'd go to my room and tidy up a little. It was practically the only free time I'd had. Adrian would usually come in and help me sometimes. But today, he decided that he'd talk to fifty million other girls instead. I didn'r mind, that's how his little developing teenage boy brain worked.

"There. Done." I smiled as I folded my last piece of laundry.

I started to put my clothes away, but Adrian bursted into my door, gasping for air.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Dinner is ready." He panted.

As straightforward as his sentence was, I didn't get it.

"Okay?" I questioned. "That doesn't answer my question.

"Dad made me run around the block five times to condition for soccer."

Ah. That sounded like something Richard would do. Things were slowly getting back to norm. It wasn't pleasant, but at least Diane wasn't in charge anymore.

Adrian leaned into my room, his words barely audible. "Dad's kinda on the edge. Watch out."

I snorted as I truded down the stairs. Everyone was in the kitchen at the dinner. I reluctantly sat down in my specific chair. It was located across from Diane and next to Adrian.

But more importantly, it was away from Richard.

"I made Pot Roast and mashed potatoes." Diane brought the roast and set it in the middle of the table. "Alright, hold hands."

I grabbed Adrian's hand along with Diane's, noticing how hard and cold her hands are. Evil witch.

"Bow your heads. Adrian, can you say grace please."

Adrian blew out a small sigh. "Thank you for the meal that you have blessed us with."


"How was your day at school." Diane asked casually to Adrian.

He shrugged. "Same old, same old."

Richard dropped his hand and fork on the table. "Be more specific." His voice sounded like he was on the edge.

Adrian cleared his throat. "I have this major project coming up in World Geography and a few tennis tournaments coming up."

"Sounds fun."

"Your input was not asked for Madison." Richard said through gritted teeth. "Speak when spoken to."

Part of me wasn't to shout back, "Who cares?!" But the other half was too busy thinking about what would happen if I actually had the gall to do that. And the results weren't looking too well.

"Apologize to your father." Diane snapped at me. I brushed it off, this was how she was when she felt as if she was in awkward or uncomfortable situations.

But we were at the dinner table.

"I apologize for interrupting." I practically forced out of my mouth.

Silence. All your could hear was the forks hitting the plates and teeth biting on forks. An occasional sip of water here and there. Other than that however, complete and utter silence.

"So how was your day Maddie?" Adrian asked. I silently thanked him.

"It was actually very--"

"Quiet." Diane said. "Your father said you will speak when spoken to. That applies to both of you. No exceptions. Now eat."

That wasn't expected. Adrian and I gave each other a confused face. Was she stressed to the point that she found it soothing to yell at us? Or was she just trying to show her husband that she had as much control over their kids as she did?

Like it actually mattered.

"Madison, eat your food." Diane pointed at my plate.

I was done. I pushed the peas on my plate around and into my leftover mashed potatoes. "I am done."

"Excuse me?" Diane screeched.

I huffed. "I am finished, you're just making a scene."

"You will not speak to me in that manner! You will respect me!" She squeaked. I almost had her. I was this close.

"You lost my respect when you and your husband decided spying on your kids was a solution because you guys are the parents that have no feelings. I could swear, no emotion. Is rather have robots as parents."

Boom. There it was. She fumed slightly. It was evident She was upset, because tears spilled down her face as she stood up and went to her bedroom.

Mission accomplished.

Richard decided that it was his time to step in and say something. Obviously he had seen enough.

"Do not talk to my wife that way." His voice boomed. "Ever."

I subconsciously rolled my eyes. Really? That was all he could come up with.

"Your input was not asked for father." I spat his own words back in his face. "Speak when spoken to."

That pissed him off. He picked up his plate and threw--no smashed it into the tile floor. Pieces flew everywhere as I watched him have his little tantrum, or mantrum. Whatever.

"Dinner is over. Go to your rooms." He abruptly left the kitchen."

Adrian waited until Richard left the kitchen. "Why did you do that? You know it pisses them off."

I shrugged. "Just standing my ground."


I feel like I owe people who actually read my stories something from all my stories. Sorry this one this so short. I'm thinking about updating Eye for Eye, but I'm also contemplating on deleting it. Just a heads up! ;)

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