Best Frenemies Forever

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Maddie POV

Today I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. Today just It was like the Universe was trying to tell me something, or wasn't isn't in the best state, and I was the only one that realized it. I twirled my soda bottle on my desk, humming show tunes to myself to ease my sudden paranoia.

It wasn't working.

"Miss Topher." Mrs. Hampton crouched down by desk and placed her hand on my shoulder. Her crow's feet and wrinkles were more defined as her face was a good two feet away from mine. I could smell her grandmother perfume and held my breath to avoid puking.

"Yes?" I snapped my mouth shut so I didn't breathe in her scent.

She rubbed my back in sympathy. "Are you doing okay sweetie? Do you need anything?"

For you to get your stinky old woman scent away from me!

I popped my lips. "Um, actually no. I'm fine."

She nodded and stood up straight, dusting off her argyle skirt before giving me one past pat on the back. Note to self: burn this shirt when I get home.

I crouched over and hugged my stomach. I felt like someone was twisting my insides. I groaned from the pain.

My hand shot up like a rocket. "Can I use the restroom?"

I didn't even wait for her approval. I clumsily got out of my seat and power walked over to the door. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I ran down the hallway. My eyes were burning and my stomach cramps became more painful.

"Whoa." Someone said as I collided into them.

I stumbled backward and leaned against the wall. Nolan came into my line of vision. My head began spinning.

Make it stop.

"Maddie are yo--"

He didn't get to finish his sentence. He was too distracted by the puddle of vomit that formed around his feet. His face contorted and he took a step back.

His face was blank. "That's disgusting."

I felt a little better now. My stomach didn't hurt, I could no longer feel my headache. I stood up and winced.


Nolan snorted a laugh. "You did it."

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to the nurse's office. Until I felt the presence of someone behind me.

"Nolan go away." I said flatly.

"Actually." He began. "I need an excuse not to go back to class."

Even though I felt better, I didn't feel like going back to class either. I sighed and let Nolan follow me to the nurse. She had always had these green pasty walls. Ever since freshman year. I always hated coming here, it was too eerie. She pushed away from her desk and gasped when she saw me.

Did I look that bad?

"Oh sweetie, your greener than these walls!"

Go figure.

She turned to Nolan. "Do you need a pass back to class sir?"

I snorted. As if.

"Actually, I'm her cousin. I found her puking in hall puking her guts out. I just came to be sure that she's okay."

I gave him a look.

Liar liar.

He smirked and winked at me, leaning against the ugly baby barf green walls. She stood up and came over to me, placing her hand on my forehead.

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