Mixed Emotions and Actions

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A/NLongest chapter of my life. The names with dashes represent the characters point of view. Read carefully, you don't wanna miss out. Let me know what you think! :)



"So let me get this straight, Miranda put you in charge of the entire dance when she gets to study for her Physics test?"

I nodded at Tyra as I blew up the last balloon that my body would allow me to do. My lungs were on fire as I gasped for air. She shook her head and handed me a bottled Gatorade.

Ah yes. The crisp taste of Fruit Punch. If only it were enough to get me through this hell. My throat no longer felt dry and I was pretty sure I was done with my coughing fits for a while.

"What a bitch, here let me help." Tyra grabbed a balloon and walked off.

"Where are you going?" I shouted.

She spun around on her designer heels and smirked. "There's a Helium thingy in the Janitor's closet."

My jaw dropped. "What the hell? Why didn't you tell me there was a tank?"

Tyra got up and dusted off her butt. She always did that, even if she was sitting down just for a minute, I didn't understand why though. But hey, everyone had their habits.

Her smile got wider. "Because it looked like you were having fun. Besides, did you really expect them to rise? Come on hun'. I know you're not that dumb."

She had a point, as much as I hated to admit it.

"Silent is consent." She walked out and I groaned. This was unfair. I had things that I needed to do. I had to study for the same physics test, along with economics, and a government class. And to put the icing on the cake, Aaron's mad at me because I had to bail on our date before the dance. Him and I were supposed to show up together, but instead, I was here, blowing up crap balloons. Miranda got to study and get all the credit for me hauling ass to make this dance a successful one.

"Ugh!" I detangled myself from streamers that I had to attach to walls. I stood up and took off my shoes. Grabbing the poster and trying to find a wall to post it on.

"Need help?" Someone asked behind me.

I didn't even look at who it was. I already knew who it was. "Yeah, I really ."

He chuckled and placed his hand lightly on my shoulder. I faced Elliott Delanes, the treasurer of Student Council. He had shaggy ginger hair, and deep blue eyes. He was pretty broad too. The guy looked like a body guard.

"Well before anything, your boyfriend had me drop that off for you."

He leaned his head in the direction of my chaos table. Leaning on a chair was a dry cleaned white sparkly dress with black veiling. My jaw dropped in awe at the black sparkly shoes that he had dropped off as well. I walked over to the table.

I picked up a card and read it aloud. "You're gonna look beautiful tonight. XOXO."

"Yeah." Elliott you should really change, like pronto."

I looked down at my sweats and fitted tee. "Hey! I'm working. I can look beautiful later."

He shrugged. "It's whatever. I'm just saying, Miranda wouldn't like the Vice President looking all...shaggy."

Miranda Moran can shove it up her dirty little...

Don't finish that sentence.

"Well if she was here working with me then she can complain, but she can't, so she can shut it." I finally answered, battling not to say anything about Miranda with my inner conscience.

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