The Official Kickoff

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"You took me out of class so we could roam the halls?" I said under my breath, more to myself than him.

Hale smiled. "Yes. Yes I did."

"How did you know what class I was in?" I asked, feeling a little disturbed that he knew what class I was in.

He wriggled his fingers in the air. "Magic."

I squirmed a little. "Okay. I'm gonna go back to class." Richard would kill me if he found out I was skipping."

Hale grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked me back. "You're staying."

I got myself free and straightened my shirt out. Wrinkles. "Why? My parents will flip of they found out I skipped."

He made a face and shrugged. "It's not like we're skipping school or something. We're walking the halls."

I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling slightly defeated. I wasn't going to let him know that though.

"Feel free to apologize whenever you feel ready." He joked.

"I'm not apologizing to you. I have no reason to." I snapped.

He held up his hands innocently. "Calm down. I was just joking. Don't you joke around with your other friends?"

I sighed deeply and looked down at my clean and crisp shoes. They reminded me of all the times Richard made me clean my shoes when I got them dirty as a kid. I tried my best since then to keep them as clean as possible. I hated cleaning more than anything.

"I don't have any friends." I admitted, looking up at him sheepishly.

He looked taken aback by this for about five seconds, then he started laughing. Like really, red face and holding his stomach because it was hurting so bad kind of laugh. I paused and waited for his scene to end.

"You can't be serious." He wiped a tear from his tomato red face.

"I'm not kidding." I fumed, slightly upset that he found my non-existing social life hilarious.

"Well I feel honoured to be your first best friend."

"Yeah, whatever." I grumbled.

He continued to walk, bringing me alongside with him. "But seriously, everyone has had a friend at least once. What about elementary school?"

I shook my head, staring at the student murals on the walls about community and integrity. Some of them were there on purpose, some weren't.

"No, my parents basically control my life. No friends, no Friday nights, no parties. They say parents these days give their kids too much control."

He snorted a laugh. "Your parents are complete idiots."

I nodded in agreement, I was kind of on his side. "They know what's best for me."

Another snort. "Your parents sound weak. They have to enforce so many rules and discipline you so you don't think of them as vulnerable and weak minded."

I looked at him, compelled. "Where did all that come from?"

He smirked. "There's more to me than just a cute face and hot body."

I laughed. "I don't know how to answer that."

"It wasn't a question, it was a statement." He winked.

We roamed for about a good ten minutes, talking about nothing but me. Frankly, it was really embarrassing. I've never really talked about myself to other people. I kind of like the attention being on me. Oh god, I sound so conceited right now.

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