Turning Point

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You know those awkward situation where no one knows what to say so all there is an awkward silence? This wasn't one of those situations. Hale was driving, Aaron was in the passenger seat, casting me glances in the mirror. While Nolan had his head pressed against the window asleep. Me on the other hand, I was on the edge of my seat, waiting for this damn ride to be over with.

"I heard this party is awesome." I heard Hale say.

"What was wrong with the one we were just at?!" I asked.

They both turned back and laughed at me. What was so damn funny? Since when were these two friends? Why didn't I know? Worst of all though, why did it bother only me?

"You'll see." Hale replied. "This party will change your life."

I rolled my eyes. "That's what they said about the last one."

Hale sighed. "That one? Please. It's just getting started."

They rest of the ride was a drag. While Hale and Aaron wete chatting it up like there was no tomorrow, the only thing I hoped is that Nolan wouldn't barf on me. I sighed and leaned my head against the window.

At least I was having fun...sorta.

It was better than staring at my bedroom wall until I got sleepy. It was better than listening to adults talk about how much of a failure I am. So much better than complying to the rules I've followed since I can remember. This is my break, so I might as well enjoy it right?


So as we pulled up to a different street, a different house, different music blasting, and different surroundings: I was ready to have fun. I was going to party my ass off tonight, and take the consequences later. Because right now, I didn't give the slightest shit.

"Welcome to Connor Caden's Congo Corner Celebration." Hale said as he pulled into a vacant spot.

I furrowed an eyebrow. "Congo Corner?"

There was no Congo line, and his house was definitely not on a corner.

"It's catchy." Aaron explained to me, glancing at me through the mirror. "And it's fun.

"We'll see." I said to myself. Hale parked the car and got out, along with Aaron. As I was getting out I noticed Nolan hadn't even moved.

"Aren't you guys gonna wake him up?" I asked as I closed my door.

Hale slung his arm around my shoulder. "Nah. He'll wake up eventually."

I looked over at Aaron, who didn't look the slightest bit uncomfortable. He simply winked at me before entering the house. What was that about? Hale followed behind him, calling after me.

"You coming?" He called out.

I contemplated this for a split second. Why not? "Yeah, I'm coming."

I caught up with them, Aaron grabbed for my hand and I gladly took it. This party looked like the type when you didn't wake up where you fell asleep.

"Names?" A body builder stood in the middle of the doorway. Well, he looked like one anyway. He wore all black and seemed like he could pummel me with no effort whatsoever.

"Kleiner, VIP." Hale stated as he got evil glares from the people behind us.

Body builder guy flipped through his list. I guess he spotted Hale's name because he grabbed his pen and wrote on the paper. "These two are you plus ones?"

"Actually no." Aaron spoke up. "I'm on the list. Smott, VIP. And she is my plus one."

Body builder looked at the list again. He nodded. "Go ahead in."

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