On your Own

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The reason why I loved fourth period so much was for one: It was right before lunch. And secondly, it was leadership, one of my easiest classes. To include a laid back teacher, Mr. Calhoun. He was just excited for lunch as we were, so we never really had lesson plans. And lastly, it was a class I can finish my homework in. I close my eyes and leans my head against the wall to find comfort.

"Having fun there?" Mr. Calhoun asked.

I open when I to look at him. "Not really."

He chuckled. "Anything I can do to help?"

I shook my head, rejecting his offer. "Pass."

He shrugged and went back to his desk. I yawned as I stretched my entire body. Why was I so tired? Blinking a few times, I glanced around the class. Everyone looked really nervous and intimidated. Why though?

"Alright class." Mr. Calhoun went to his podium. "Today, you'll make a speech about a time who you depend on the most in your life."

The class let out a groan, in which Mr. Calhoun chuckled and brought his watch to his face to give a time limit on our thoughts. "Three minutes."

I blew out a sigh and threw my pencil down on my desk. I never really depended on anyone really, aside from Adrian. He was the one that kept all my secrets, covered up for me, and everything like that. Making a speech about Adrian will be a good idea, but a tad cliche.

"Two minutes." Calhoun instructed.

I knew for a fact at least eight kids would talk about how their mom took them to a party or something. That was so original! If you wanted something to mean something, it needed to come from the heart!

"Since everyone is just sitting there, I'll assume everyone's ready." Calhoun didn't even look up from his desk. "Who's first."

I laughed inside my head. He should know better than that. No one would go up there voluntarily.

"Do I have to pick someone? If I do, its ten points off." He stated.

Tyler McDawson jumped out of his seat and fumbled towards the podium, earning a few snickers from the class. He laid his journal and cleared his throat. Nervousness was evident in his eyes.

"One person that I really depend on is my mom." His voice was cracking. "She's been through hell and back with me ever since I was little and I couldn't ask for anything more. I don't know what I'd do without her."

I nodded, that wasn't as bad as I expected. At least his speech was something remotely interesting. The class applauded as Tyler returned to his seat.

Calhoun nodded his head in approval. "Alright Mr. McDawson, pick someone to take your place at the podium."

Tyler scanned the room. "Maddie."

Damn you. Damn you to the deepest pits of hell.

I reluctantly stood and walked to the podium. Everyone watched me carefully, the only sound was my shoes hitting the ground. Gripping the edges of the podium, I blew out a sigh.

"To be honest," my voice cracked. "I don't depend on anyone but myself." The class was looking at me like I was talking a different language. Okay, elaborate a little.

"I mean, of course I depend on my parents to provide for me, but in the end I have to depend on myself. Someone isn't always going to be there to buy me out of my bad situations. I have to figure that stuff out on my own." I took in a deep breath. "I have to learn how to depend on myself rather than finding someone to lean on."

The class was silent. Did I do something wrong? I bit my lip and dug my fingers into the wooden podium.

Someone in the back of the class clapped slowly. "Bravo."

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